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You were exhausted, for no reason in particular, just today had taken enough out of you that all you wanted to do was crawl into bed, take a nap and never wake up from it.

After you showered and put on your pajamas, you did what you normally do, take a stool and place it infront of your window and wait.

It was a bit early, but you knew if you didn't wait here, you definitely would have gone to bed. You looked at the dead flower box, which you never, ever, put anything in and pondered on what you should do with it. You rested your head on your palm and starred at it.

You started to blink your eyes slowly, feeling the pull to keep them closed longer. You decided to do it for a only a minute, just enough to get rid of the burn. It felt so nice having your eyes closed and breeze lightly caressing your face.

It had felt so nice you hadn't even noticed that you had fallen asleep or that Chat Noir's patrol had started early.

Chat Noir was busy, jumping roof to roof, yesterday he had made up his mind and this time he wasn't going to change it.

Ultimately, yesterday when he deliberately chose the rooftop across the street from her and then stayed there, knowing she was looking at him, he knew he had made up his mind about Ladybug.

He thought letting her go was going to hurt a lot more but hadn't realized that he cared much more about whether Y/n was looking his way than Ladybug. The fact was that when he made up his mind, he couldn't care less. Then, when he thought of Y/n, he could only think of how he could keep your eyes on him.

Chat Noir jumped to your rooftop and sat on the edge, waiting for your apartment window to open so that he could jump down and walk the streets, he planned to later sit against the building and face your way.

Chat Noir smiled, knowing that whatever he did, you were most certainly going to talk about it tomorrow... but with Adrian.

He glanced down to see your window already open,

His chest felt tingly, and suddenly he became nervous. It was only a small show to put on for you, but he still felt weird. He took a deep breath and went to jump down, but he stopped when he noticed your head resting on the window sill. He lowered himself down to take a look.

Chat placed one hand on the window frame and most of his body in the metal flower basket, which surprisingly held him pretty well. He took his other hand and caressed your cheek slightly. You mumbled and slowly opened your eyes.

"Ah." you said groggy, "Besseya bullii it is."

You leaned up against the side of your frame and looked at him with tired eyes. He tilts his head to the side.

"What?" His voice echoed in your eardrums. It certainly sounded real.

"I was trying to think of what to plant in my planter box before I fell asleep. My mind answered it for me, Besseya bullii, aka kitten tails."

Chat Noir grinned, "Mind? Am I in your dream right now?"

"Well, it most certainly isn't a nightmare, that much, I'm sure." You returned his playful grin

"And how do you know you're not awake right now?" Chat brushed some of your messy hair out of your face, (If you have no hair or not long enough, please use this :) 'Chat booped your nose slightly, just barley enough to touch you, yet not enough to tell you you were awake.' )

You leaned in to his touch, and his eyes seemed to turn a darker shade of green. Deep inside this made Chat Noir feel satisfied.

"Chat Noir isn't even this close to me in my normal dreams, let alone real life, but at least I'll have this." You scoffed. "Who am I kidding? I'll still be pissed."

"Why's that My Lady?"

"My 3 year streak is gone, and I'll have to start all over again, over something silly like being tired. You better not have patrolled somewhere close to my house, you stupid cat." You smiled at Chat's baffled look,

"What did I do? I don't even think I can get closer to where I'm at now."

"Well you're dumb because you keep going after that Ladybug, she's only breaking your heart and you shouldn't have to put up with someone who refuses to reject you and is just leading you on. Frankly, you're stupid for just sticking around her."

"We're superheroes. She's my partner, I can't help it." Chat Noir laughs. "But don't worry, I've given up on that. Someone else has caught my interests."

"Well, if she ends up treating you like the last one, I might just become a super villain just to get rid of any woman near you. There's no way I'm going to let my heart be shattered just to watch you suffer as well. Dream Chat Noir, heed my words, you dare let your heart get broken by another woman then I will deal with it myself." You giggled,
"That was much easier than I thought it was going to be, if only I could say it to the real you."

"Why not? I'm here, aren't I?" You laughed at his words and stood up.

"Oh yes, why don't I just waltz right up to the man who doesn't know who I am and exclaim 'I love you! You handsome Cat man, dump Ladybug and choose me!' "   You walked away from your stool and stood in your room.     "I mean in here sure, but out there -"

"Alright, I'll choose you." Chat Noir stepped into your room and walked next to you. He looked down, towering over you. "However, once I do, you can't take it back. I hung on to a woman who rarely looked at me for five years, so you'll just have to learn to put up with me."

"Please, if I saw you in my dreams for the rest of my life, I'd never wake up." Chat Noir grinned again,

"And you won't take that back? This is your last chance to love another man. After this, you're mine."

"If I take it back, I want you to shoot me."

"I'm sorry, but that's one request I can not fulfill, I would never want anything to damage you." Chat Noir grabbed you by your waist and tugged you fast towards him. He grabbed your chin and tilted it upwards.

"Wait -" before you could finish your sentence, Chat Noir had lifted you slightly to meet his lips with yours. Your eyes widened at realization.

You were currently awake.

In the Dead of Night                 Obsessed Chat Noir x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now