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You didn't wait for Marinette to get back and you didn't say anything to Adrian as you left. You stood up as quickly as you could and left, you could hear Adrian call after you but you ignored him. Nothing he could say right now would help.

To be honest too many thoughts were spinning around in your head at once, you felt your eyes starting to sting, you refused to let burdensome tears out, because then it would make it all too real. It would confirm that all that they had said made some sort of sense. Mainly, above all else you were mad, because it did.

The rain and wind were pushing up against you as you walked down the same side street you take everyday to get home, but instead of focusing on the literal storm you're walking in, you were thinking about how you could let yourself be so stupid.

You had left Adrian alone in the Bakery after what he said and you couldn't help but feel some sort of guilt. He was right, you really did like Chat Noir, everything in your body wanted you to take Adrian's advice. You had made a promise that you intended, and still do want to keep. He said everything your heart agreed with and you blew it off. You were worried that this hurt him a little but you needed a moment alone, some time to just think.

You put yourself in a dangerous situation if Chat's feelings are true and a hurtful one if they are not. No matter what his intentions are, there was no complete happy ending. Not only that but he had clearly admitted to knowing you in real life, (chapter 7) so did he just know you? Or did you know him as well? Were you endangering a relationship with a Superhero or a friendship with someone else as well?

What if he knew Nathaniel? Would he tell Nathan about this? Does Nathaniel already know? Is that why he is tired of hearing it?

Are you the only one who doesn't know who he is?

What would Ladybug think? Would she come after you for hurting him or for being with him?

Thoughts kept rattling on in your mind,

Y/n... Y/n Y/N

"Y/y? Why aren't you listening to me?" You snapped out of your trance and stopped walking. You turned around and let out a half smile.

A full smile was given to you in return. "There she is." Chat Noir tucked a piece of hair behind your ear, (if no hair, he grazed your cheek)

You hadn't even noticed the rain that stopped trickling down you, or the umbrella that was above your head, in this moment all thoughts seemed to stop and you found your mind at ease.

Your vision focused on the cat in front you, the rain still hitting him and his drenched form. His hair, having no choice but to stick to his face, it seemed to look more dirty blonde when wet. The grey skies behind him made his eyes stand out, you spent the next few moments debating if it was your favorite feature about him. 

"What's wrong with my little mouse today? Did it hurt that bad to be away from me too long?" His little grin made you widened your smile and Chat seemed to relax a little.

"Hurt? I can't believe I'm even real right now let alone feel pain."

"And apparently water too. Do you purposely decide to be soaking wet today?" He said, you laughed at him, watching as the rain kissed his face.

"You're one to talk, I thought cats didn't like water." you said,

"I can make exceptions." The smile he was giving you was a great contender for favorite feature.

You went to wipe some water off his face, knowing full well how useless it would be, but the rain hitting your arm made you freeze, you finally looked up seeing the umbrella that was only covering you, ensuring that you would be dry, and nothing else. Chat leaned closer and placed his cheek on your hand that was still extended. 

"Do you not like the umbrella? Would you like a different color?" You starred dumbfounded at Chat, it was freezing cold outside, rain coming down hard, he was drenched in front of you and he was worried about if you disliked the color of his umbrella. The entire time he held it above you unbothered from the storm crashing onto him. Your eyes watered again but this time it was because you felt like you betrayed him, just minutes before you were debating about breaking up with him and here he was, literally in the palm of your hand.

"I'm sorry." You whispered to him and launched your body towards him and hugged him tightly. A singular arm wrapped around your body and the feeling of rain on your skin didn't last long as Chat moved the umbrella to cover you again.

"What's wrong mouse?" He said, you looked up at him, drops of water fell from his hair onto your face, his eyes glanced at the droplets and for a few seconds he looked annoyed but then his featured softened again when he looked back into your eyes.

"I'm sorry don't hate me." You pleaded,

"Hate you? It would take a lot for me to even dislike you. Why would I hate you?"

"I thought that you had lied to me and hadn't actually like me or that if you did, that I would be in a dangerous position because of Hawk moth. I was just thinking on what I should do, I even talked about it with my friends and this whole day I've been thinking on whether to end it and- and then I come outside to rearrange my thoughts and you just- I can't believe I even thought about.. oh god."  You broke out into sobs, Chat Noir pushed your head further into his chest. 

"I'm glad you chose me then, it'd be harder to keep you close if you rejected me." he laughed a little before continuing. "I told you already when your time to let me go was, that ship has sailed, it's far too late to make that decision now. I'm afraid the most dangerous position you'll ever be in, is right where you are now, I'll never let anything touch you, sharing has never been something I cared for anyway. So promise to keep those thoughts of leaving far away from your mind and I'll forgive you okay?" 

You nodded your head into his chest not wanting to show your face, you knew he was just saying those things just to comfort you, and it was working, you hugged him tighter as if he would disappear at any moment. Chat Noir finally let the grin he was holding back escape, he had won and all he had to do was hold on to stupid umbrella, he was glad that he spent the extra moments to grab one before he rushed over to you.


Sorry it's late but at least it's here, drop your thoughts, how was it? More exciting chapters to come, 

-xx K

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