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You let out a shaky breath, as Chat pulled away, still keeping your body wrapped in his arms. The heat instantly rushed to your face when you realized what had happened.

"Your here- this is-"

A hundred thoughts were running through your mind but none of them would come out whole, Chat laughed as you looked away embarrassed.

He pulled your face back to look at him.
"Don't look away, not when I finally got you this close. Be nice with me now after all I played your game nicely."

You furrowed your brows at him,
"What? Game?"

"Oh come on Y/n. You think you could watch me from the window every night for so many years and I wouldn't notice once? I mean I can over look certain things but trust me I noticed it from the beginning."

You felt like crawling into a hole and dying, if you could shrivel up into a ball and pop yourself, you would. His grin only widened.

"Five years ago I thought it was just stars you were watching, but as I slowly got closer and as I would slowly start to change my time, I realized it was me you were watching. Earlier on I didn't mind it but after a while I couldn't go a single night with out making sure you were here waiting for me."

Chat Noir placed one hand on the back of your head and he leaned down to whisper in your ear,
"And sure enough, like clock work you would open your window and wait for me."

You bit your thumbnail trying to avoid all the embarrassing memories that are going to flood your mind but it wasn’t quite working.

"You know, tonight I was going to just tease you a bit, but I can't believe I actually made it this far." He said,

"What do you mean?"

"Well I was just going to keep getting closer and closer to your window and staying around longer just to see how long you would keep this little game up. Ah but alas, I cracked last minute. Well how could you blame me? You practically tricked me by pretending to fall asleep." Your face felt like it was practically on fire and being under his gaze didn't help

"I wasn't pretending I was actually-"

Knock knock knock

Your head snapped towards the door, Chat's grip on your waist tighten and the hand on your head pushed you to nestled in his shoulder

"Y/n?" Nathaniel said, at the sound of your name it reminded you of something weird,  but you were going to have to ask Chat later. "Hey did you take my notepad again? Because I told you last time not to use it, it was expensive."

"No!" You close your eyes instantly as you notice your shout was muffled by the man engulfeling your body, you pray Nathan didn't notice. "Check the living room!"

"Did that, it's not there. Same thing with the kitchen and my room, I swear to God Y/n if you have it in your room and you're drawing that fucking cat hero on it again I'm going to remove the window from your room!"

You bite down on your lips in shame, he ratted you out and doesn't even know.

"I don't have it! Look somewhere else!" You shout again hearing Nathaniel grumbled and move away, you let out a sigh of relief.

"Is it in this room?" Chat's deep voice sent a tingle down your spine, all you could do was nod yes. He let out a chuckle.

"Give it back to him." Chat said, "Or the next time he comes to your room this late at night will be the last time." Chat pressed your temple against his lips as a beeping came and disrupted the moment.

"I've got to go Princess, I'll leave you be for tonight but this isn't over yet." He goes to pull away but you grab his wrist,

"Wait!" He turns to you to give you his full attention and smiles.

"Yes?" You let go of him quickly,

"Um s-sorry but uh earlier you said my name, I never told you it even before Nathan came. So how did you know my name?"

"You think that I only go to see you as a Superhero? That's cute Y/n really, but I've always had an eye on you." He takes the hand you grabbed him with and kissed the back of it. "Oh and Y/n? Darling~ save the nicknames for the two of us. I don't want Nathaniel getting the wrong idea."

You rolled your eyes,
"He won't were just friends."

"If you say so, until next time M'lady." Chat gives a small wave and leaves out your window.

You immediately collapse on the floor as a slurry of mixed emotions surround you.

"What just happened?"

You spent most of your night up trying to wrap your head around it, still thinking you were asleep. At some point you had actually had gone to sleep with the window wide open, but upon awakening you hadn't seen that it was now shut..

You still decided you need to show up to work today because if you were going to try and figure out what happened last night. It was going to have to be with someone who could understand. Currently, the only options you have is ex-man obsessed Marinette and ex-ladybug lover Adrian. Both you were guaranteed to see later in the morning.

As you were leaving your apartment you kept your head down and tried to ignore Nathaniel, the less you saw him right now the better. Mainly because you didn't want to admit to him that you did have his sketchpad and then explain why you lied when he'd ask.

Even though you were looking forward to talking this out with someone everything in your body was telling you not to go to work today, it felt like you were dragging an extra hundred pounds of weight and the dred you felt inching closer bothered you.

You opened the door and bell chimed signaling someone had entered the store, you looked up to see Marinette wave hi to you and Adrian already at the counter waiting...

In the Dead of Night                 Obsessed Chat Noir x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now