Chapter 27: Poof, gone!

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"Hello? Daniel? Hello? Are you there? FUCK" Taehyung shouted into the phone only to realise the call had been cut.

He tried calling Daniel a few more times but no one picked up the call.

He didn't know what to do anymore. If somehow the security catches Jungkook there, they will think that it was Jungkook who did all of that.

No no no!

"Don't even think about it Kim Taehyung." Jimin said as he stood in front of Taehyung who was about to leave the VIP room.

It didn't take a genius to realise he was going to get Jungkook out himself.

"Step aside Jimin!" Taehyung hissed at Jimin trying to scare him off.

But no, Jimin might get scared of him, but there was no way in hell was he going to let Taehyung step out of this club and go on his suicide mission.

Yes he is selfish, but he is going to protect Taehyung until his last breath. He doesn't care if people understand him or not.

"Park Jimin Step aside right now!" Taehyung said holding Jimin's shoulders and trying to push him away with minimal strength.

"V you need to calm down! Please!" Hoseok tried to talk to Taehyung was looked like he was about to go out of his minds.

"Calm down? How am I supposed to calm down? When my baby is stuck there? Daniel once told me his uncle gets really mad? What if he thinks Jungkook did it? Jungkook was the one inside the storage room when the alarm went off! Don't you get it! It's Kim Daehyun! He doesn't care about anyone! Not his own partner, not his own son, not a single person. All he cares about it himself! I need to go there! Please!" Taehyung said as he thrashed in Hoseok's and Jimin's hold.

He didn't want to hurt them so he wasn't using his full strength, but his patience was running low.

"Okay? How about this? Daniel's phone died right? Call Jungkook." Hoseok said and this seemed to have worked as Taehyung stilled in their hold and thought about it for a moment.

"Yes Taetae, you don't need to ask him about anything, just call him, if he picks up then that means Daniel got them out of there." Jimin said as he understood what Hoseok was doing was working.

Taehyung hesitantly nodded and picked up his phone, yes he and Jungkook had each other's numbers, since Jungkook hadn't minded when Taehyung asked for it.

He had been extremely cool about the whole phone thing, he didn't even ask Taehyung anything anymore these days.

If only Taehyung would have realised it sooner that it was only because Jungkook was investigating all of it in secret then all of this could have avoided.

He cursed himself mentally for being so stupid and picked up his phone to call his baby.


Daehyun and Kai both ran downstairs from their office when they heard the alarm. It was very confusing to them as this hasn't happened ever.

They both were furious that the storage room had been fondled with, that room is seriously supposed to be taken care of.

After all it has all the blueprints because of which this company works after all.

So to say they were surprised when they entered the room, then that would be an understatement.

"Mmph?" Daniel tried to speak for the tenth time but the hand over his mouth kept him from saying anything.

"Shh Scooby." Jungkook whispered in Daniel's ears as they both peaked through the door of the staircase to see Jungkook's uncle and Kai and a whole ton of security inside the storage room which they had fled.

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