Ch 4 -The Truth-

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Tenka pov

Me: DIEEEE!!!!!

I sent multiple energy slash towards Shido and his spirits except Tohka

You might ask why, well its because they're determine to seal me at all costs

Yup, things have gone bad for me unfortunately

They have engage me into a decisive battle and too my surprise even Tohka help that haremist

This is because Kotori have decided that I'm too dangerous to let run lose and causing her and Ratatoskr to come out with a plan to seal my powers away

Like hell I would let that happen

While I was busy attacking and fencing the spirit, I was caught off guard and Shido took that opportunity to kiss me

I was shock by that sudden event, that f*cker just f*cking kiss me

Me: You really didn't care about your pride don't you. As expected for a guy who masterbate in public.

Shido: Like I said before, I never done that!

I was ready to retaliate and punch him but stopped midway as my body start to pulsing purple light and many light particle appear around my body

I could feel my reiryoku started to decrease at a dangerous level and it can only mean bad thing

Suddenly i feel my body weaken and I slowly fall on the ground

I tried to stand but my body keep getting weaker and my vision starts to get blurry

Me: What is happening to me? What have you done?

Tohka: Sister! Are you alright? I'm sorry but this is for your own safety. They said this way will keep us safe from the AST.

Me: But why do I feel weak and I'm disappearing....(my voice become weak)

Tohka: This wasn't supposed to happen. Shido! Do something. Help my sister. (She is really worry right now)

I hug her and spoke weakly to her

Me: Sister, I'm getting weak. I could not see. I can't feel......I don't want to go......(my voice slowly fade)

Yep I'm so dramatic right now but I'm actually in f*cking pain right now but didn't show it not in front of Tohka

Many particles were leaving my body and my body began to slowly dissolve into nothingness and it all went dark thus the end off me

Tohka who was now in the brink of despair start crying, well I'm just die in front of her, what do you expect

All went wrong that day and f*ck to all those b*tches who responsible for this


Shido pov

I was in medical room with Reine after that battle and Tohka still not waking up

It was a total chaos yesterday, it all went wrong and Tohka suddenly faint after seeing her sister disappear

All other spirits have go back to spirit mansion to rest themselves

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