Kurumi Alternate Ch 3: Favour and Sister

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Y/n pov

It was an average day in Tengu City and I was going to the market to buy some daily necessity

Since I was a human that requires food and drinks to energies myself

Since I was a human that requires food and drinks to energies myself

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(This one on my fanart of Kurumi)

I was wearing a fairly casual outfit that I got/ stole from a guy who try to rob me at the bus stop

I take everything he owns and left him with nothing but a newspaper to cover his private part

Let that be a bloody lesson to him


So I was selecting the food products when suddenly a lady scream at me wanting for some attention

By the looks of it she is obviously a Karen like what the hell, I'm in Japan

How and why is she even here?

Lady: Hey, I'm trying to get your attention for half an hour!

It's funny because I'm just arrived here 5 minutes ago

Lady: How dare you ignore me. I want to speak with your manager.

Y/n: Lady, what do you want from me? I don't even work here.

Lady: Just you wait. I'm going to get you fired.

You: Lady, go fxxk yourself.

Lady: How dare you curse at me. You don't so pretty either. You look like a weird... teenage...girl...

Y/n: I am a teenage girl but I'm not weird.

Lady: You b*tch, how dare you talk back to me.

Y/n: Woah, hey! My name's Y/n, b*tch.

Lady: I could give a fxxk about your fxxking name is!

Her timid husband also tries to calm us down by standing in the middle

She then starts to reach something inside her purse and to out a gun then point it at me

Lady: I'm not afraid to use this, I'm not. Grandma taught me.

Y/n: Fxxk grandma! You people are not very FXXKING nice!

The lady had a gun on me and her husband had a knife to defend himself, and I was unarmed

Encountering a karen with gun in Japan is not something I thought would happen in a million years

I guess they just lumbering around unnoticed the entire seasons

I exit the market with my groceries and I'm covered in blood stains

Then I saw a boy maybe 6-7 years old eating lollipop looking at me

Y/n: Hey there kid. I wouldn't go in there if I were you.

Watch: Ding! You got an achievement.

Y/n: Huh? Achievement, now? Let see if it's something good.

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