Ellen Alternate: Dark Wizard Empress of the Future

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This would be a story that take place in an alternate universe

In the original timeline Ellen loses her memories after the death of Mio and Westcott

But in this timeline she didn't...


After witness Westcott deaths, Ellen could not contain her anger and so she went all out to avenge her master...

But given the state she was in is already weaken, she was take down easily

And so She was considered too dangerous to be let loose

She was detained under the watchful eyes of the Ratatoskr organization and was contain inside a special containment in a form of a giant glass box that act as a prison cell on the private island owned by Ratatoskr

3rd pov

Kotori, the commander of Ratatoskr decided to pay a visit to the former world strongest wizard who is now a prisoner of Ratatoskr

Kotori: So, enjoying your stay?

She ask obviously mocking Ellen which causes her to snap

Ellen: You bastards, let go of me! I'll kill you all!!

She scream like a mad woman she is

Kotori: You know we can do that. You're too dangerous to let loose. You should thank us for all of this. Otherwise your fate would be worse.

Allen: You think, you save me? You took him(Westcott) from me. He was my life! YOU TOOK MY LIFE!!!

She shout angrily and try to punch the glass which causes her to get electrocuted upon contact

She fall on the floor in deep pain

Kotori: Please don't make things worse for yourself. I'm sorry but this is your fate now.

Ellen: Don't you dare feel pity on me. You have no idea what I feel. No one would ever feel, what I felt.

She sit down at the corner of the containment cell and began to cry

Kotori had nothing more she can do decide to leave Ellen by herself

And so Allen began her life as a prisoner...


And just like that 100 years have passed

It might sound illogical but that's basically it

All the original founder of Ratatoskr have passed, even Karen, Ellen's sister  have passed

As for Shido and the girls, they lived a peaceful life and they have grow older as they're no longer spirit but live a long life due to the remnants of the spirit power the possessed

For Ellen however, is different...

Ellen who have been through many experiment and surgery have caused her to stop ageing and also cause her to live in  imprisonment for 100 years

However, over the course of a hundred years, she starts losing her sanity

Being locked and isolated for decades, that's enough to drive anyone mad but it's worse than that

She was being driven mad by her own self, she began hate her very own existence

No spark of sanity left inside of her


That was a long time ago, however, it will soon change...

On one fateful day...

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