Unimportant (Abandoned idea)

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(Author's note: L.Shido is short for Lord Shido)

Tenka pov

Tenka: You're afraid, aren't you.

L.Shido: What makes you think that?

Tenka: You sent me do deal with the troublesome versions of you from another timeline. Either to help the one with potential or eliminate the one who might poses as threat to you. You want to wipe all versions of yourself that could threaten your power and from my perspective that what's a cowards do.

L.Shido: That what's rulers do. They eliminate the threats and create peace.

Tenka: Now that's something because according to what I know peace is a lie and there's only passion.

L.Shido: What are you trying to say?

Tenka: Through passion, you gain strength. Through strength, you gain power. Through power, you gain victory.

L.Shido: That was a great philosophy.

Tenka: However, you should never let fear takeover yourself because fear is a path to the dark side...fear leads to anger... anger leads to hate... hate leads to suffering.

L.Shido: You don't get to judge me. You don't understand how difficult it is for me considering the enemy is myself, simply from another timeline.

Tenka: Okay, you're the boss. By the way, there's something I want to ask. I've been meaning to ask you this for along time but never got a chance. How exactly did you create me? I mean like turn me into a completely different being and not to mention the power.

He stares at me for a moment before sitting back on his throne and starts pressing buttons on the armrest

A hologram pops out of knowhere picturing shido himself but with slightly older look than normal...this one got a mustaches

this one got a mustaches

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L.Shido: Ages ago...before all this stuff. A version of myself live in the 31st century...he was a scientist. He somehow able to find way to prove that multiverse theory was indeed real. Through the use of advance technology he was able to finds what it need to travel through dimensions and yes without using spirit powers...

Tenka: Let me guess. He make contact with the other version of you.

L.Shido: Yes and through that they share knowledges, experiences and ways to improve one another. Lastly we were able to create an artificial spirits using Tohka Sephira as example. Again I'll say that this is pure science no magic involved.

As if he knows what im thinking he specify that there's no magic involved and that fact alone shows how advanced this version of Shido is

L.Shido: However, with this technology has its bad side. There are versions of me who isn't so pure hearted try to use this technology to create an army and initiate war with one another. That's where I came in and create you in order to eliminate the versions of me who will eventually grow into a threat to me and empire.

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