Ch 6 -Battle-

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3rd pov

The spirit now surrounding Tenka, trying to save their lover from the inverse spirit's rage

It's like the scene where the heros confront the Demon Lord

They all stand in place, afraid to move as one wrong move equals death as the inverse spirit are considered stronger than normal

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They all stand in place, afraid to move as one wrong move equals death as the inverse spirit are considered stronger than normal

Tenka: Now. Come at me! And we all shall dance!!!

Saying that her dark purple shadow began to expand from beneath her feet, covering the entire floor

From the shadow emerge several lizard like creature with twisted limb and facial expression

From the shadow emerge several lizard like creature with twisted limb and facial expression

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The floor suddenly lit on fire and the creature charge at the spirits

And so the long battle begin...

(Sorry I'm not good at writing fighting scene)


Time passed and the spirits was now exhausted and some passed out as their opponent are made from shadow and you know you can't punched shadow, right

They all end up hurting each other with their own attack and to be honest, I'm a bit disappointed as they could not match the weakest of my arsenal

I called those creatures "Shadow Berserkers"

The truth is I just use shadow and darkness manipulation (Umbrakinesis) to create this creature based on comic I once read

In the end, my power and imagination was too much for them

Tenka: Had enough?

Kotori: Not even close.

She changed at me with that typical rage mode and big ass battle-axe

Yeah, Kotori was actually here too as she was worried her brother scream like a madman because of me

Not gonna lie, I'm enjoying this very much as being antagonist was kind of my thing

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