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I'M MOTIVATED AGAIN! Well, for today at least...


"DICK! Where are you?"


"It seems the bat is done patrolling. That would be my call to go..."

"Please, I don't want you to leave. I uhm- It wasn't just you who actually bonded... Once I found out, well- you know what... I didn't feel like I could hate you, I first guessed it was the mind control you caused but. I- the feeling, it never left... I still don't think i  can feel hate towards you."

"I might be able to set up some terms with the Bat, but I'll do that via video call. That causes up to no risks. But for now, I have to go."

"That's alright, till I hoop soon..."

As fast as the shadow appeared, it left.

Dick had tried to get down, but he started feeling a little woozy once again so he decided to make himself more visible. 

"Dick? What are you doing up there?! You're injured!"

"H- hey bruce..."

The wooziness was getting worse and he started to get a huge headache until eventually black spots covered his vision...

Dick fell backwards but luckily, the caped crusader was there in time to catch his ward. No, his son.


Dick Pov:

I awoke once again, but this time in a heavenly soft bed. I looked around weakly, still a little drowsy. But I was the only one there, though there was a chair next to my bed. 

Bruce probably had waited but fell asleep and was taken to his room by Alfred.

I looked around again, I saw their poster... So it was my room.

Then, I looked down at my feet and the bed, I saw a small band around my right leg. It was barely noticeable, but to my trained eye it was easy to pick up.

I looked at the clock, 6:00 AM. I used to wake up around that time, back when-

I decided to go downstairs, I still didn't feel tiptop in shape, but I felt good enough to walk around maybe not the whole manor but you get the point.

I smelled the most godly scent of all... Alfred's cookies!

"Master dick, you're awake already? How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine, I'm awake earlier because the anesthesia doesn't really work. I've built up quite a resistance against anesthesia. So much basically the only way to knock me out was by having a lot of anesthesia or just a good punch."

"... Would you like some cookies?"

"Yes Please, I'm quite hungry actually."


Open Pov:

'Bring bring' the sound of a caller sounded throughout the batcave, waking a certain someone up.


Incoming caller

"Who would that be?"

Bruce slid down his cowl to once again become batman. Then he answered the call.

"Bruce." A man with a orange and black mask said.

"Slade. Why are you calling..?"

"It's about, 'our' student..."

"What is it, Slade. I'm not up for jokes about him."

"I don't joke, not about stuff like that. You should know that by now."

"... So, what is it you wanted to tell me?"

"There's a reason he's with you. I've played it off quite nicely but, I trust you're better at protecting him at the moment than I am..."

"Why? Is someone coming for him?"

"Sort of, it's a group of multiple. Even I wouldn't be able to say no towards."

"So, you intentionally got Dick caught for us to eventually protect him?"

"I already knew you'd protect him, but that's not the reason I'm calling. The reason I'm calling is to strike a deal. A proposal, if you will."

"Which is?"

"I'll retire, stop taking on contracts. For you to do everything in your power to make sure he doesn't get caught. If I was you I'd accept, you won't get this kind of proposal any time soon."

"... What else is there you want? I know that can't be the only thing."

"Dick can be quite troublesome, I know you'll be able to deal with that. But you'll have a hard time, let me tell you that."

"That tends to happen to people when you traumatize them..."

"Firstly, I am not the one that caused that trauma. Better yet, I helped him get rid of it. Secondly, like you're one to talk."


"I'll give you a phone number, call it once he is experiencing a bad panic attack or if he's stuck in a nightmare and you can't do anything to help him. I'll inform you what to do then."


That's it. 

Am I allowed that this entire series turned out so much more wholesome than I thought it would?

Anyways have a great day and stay whelmed! <3


Word count : 743

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