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Hello everyone! It's been a while, hasn't it? Anyways, I've got test week yayyyyyyy... totally not *cough *cough sarcastic *cough.

But, back to the point. I'v noticed that I can't really have the motivation to finish this, so I've decided to give you all al summary of whatever came to my chaotic mind :)


So, the group of people (group name unidentified) Slade had a meeting with in one of the first chapters found out about his deal with the Bat. They decided to rid of Slade, their first mistake. Eventually Slade found out via Ra's. He managed to create enough time to get ready for an attack, once he finally got attacked he managed to rid the world of the assassins sent after him, Ra's faked him dying for a little favor of course.

Later, Bat found out about this too. He decided not to tel Dick until further notice. Though that date never came as he found out about it himself when he heard Alfred and Bruce talk about it. This got him pissed. And not just pissed, pissed pissed. His mental stability decreased and he got taken away from Bruce and brought to the mountain. As you might expect, this took a lot of time as you don't just take a child from Daddybats.

At the mountain, Dick wasn't as angry, but as is not that big of a word and he would still snap at basically everyone all of the time. This triggered different emotions from the team. Conner snapped back at him, M'gann held Conner back, aqualad tried to make peace and Wally and Artemis just watched incase it got physical.

This repeated itself for days and days until he took it out on their caretakers, Black Canary and Red Tornado. He once nearly even broke Red Tornado, only to get stopped before the last hit fell.

Eventually, Robin got fed up with everything and everyone so he ran away from his troubles...

He went as far away as he could, Jump City...

The heroes (specifically Batman) tried to find him, only to end up with failure.

He created a new team, THE TEEN TITANS!
Consisting of; Starfire, an alien from the planet of tamaran with insane super strength and the ability to shoot starbolts!
Second on the lis was Raven, her home planet being Azarath and on top of that is she the daughter of THE DEVIL and a half demon herself.
Next was Cyborg, a human being who in a freak accident nearly died but was saved by his father with the consequences of being turned into a half human half robot.
After that Beastboy! The youngest member of the team who - even with all the things that happened in his life - isn't afraid to crack a little joke furthermore - also - because of a freak accident, does he have the ability to shapeshift into any animal of his choice.
And last but definitely not least was Nightwing, the leader, the human with anger issues and a unknown past, only those who knew him as the first boy wonder, robin, would be able to recognize him.

The team was - obviously - noticed by the league, but to the request of Martian Manhunter to be left alone, this caused mixed expression but was understood and followed by everyone.
(Note, I know that the originals wouldn't, but now they're adults (except for Conner but mentally and physically he is) )

In the end, Nightwing was redeeming himself, but his first identity was still unbeknownst to the others.

After a while of crime fighting, the one and only DE- Slade pops up? But, Nightwing only confirmed it was him when he stopped at his base.

He and Slade talked for a while until he got his last friendly spar with the mercenary.

When he got to the tower he had a bunch of scars and bruises, but he was taken care of so he managed to heal.

Once he was finally allowed to go out of his bed, he told the titans the truth about his past and got accepted immediately.

After since all that, he redeemed himself more and more every day and just to top it of managed to be a top hero. He also after the encouragement of his team made up with Batman and YJ.

And the rest, is history....


Tysm for everyone who took the time to read this book, it brought a huge smile to my face to see the readers rice every time! I hoped you enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it!

Have a wonderful lifetime and STAY WHELMED!

Love you guys <3


Words ~762~

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