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Evi did what she thought she would never have the courage to do in the big Palace. Or rather that she would be too lazy to even come with such an idea.

She went into the room where the bow for the swayamvar was kept.

"What was the name again? Kindhura? Kindhara? K something ra. Anyways"

Evi found a table where the bow was kept.

"Here goes nothing!" She lifted the cloth covering the bow, and the bright light from it almost blinded her.

"AARGH" Evi shouted but instantly muffled her voice. It was the dead of night, and no one was supposed to be here.

She was not getting any sleep, so she just came up with this stupid idea of checking out the bow. She had the VERY HELPFUL map that Purnima drew for her, and she recognised which room the bow would be kept in because it was the only one that was marked as "DO NOT ENTER".

Evi slowly reached out for the bow and grabbed it.


"Huh. I thought some kind of energy would surge through me" Evi mentally pouted at the anti climactic situation.

" Should I try to lift it?" Her mind was saying yes but she didn't want to get cursed.

" I won't get cursed though right? Its not like its a sin to lift this bow"

Evi let out a fearful laugh before grabbing the bow by both of her hands. She thanked Krishna for the ointment that cured her infection so quickly.

"I know I should pray to Gods before picking this up. But what's the fun in that?"

She put every ounce of her energy in the action, and lifted the bow.

Way too easily.

The over estimated power that she put into the action made the bow fall out of her grip into the air.

"NOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Evi witnessed the bow smash onto the ground, making the loudest noise she had ever heard.

"shit SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT" Evi heard the commotion outside. She quickly threw the bow onto the table and covered it up with the cloth. She almost got caught but maybe because she became a theist for a second, she was able to escape the wrath of the guards and eventually the king.

"Why the FUCK was the bow as light as a stick?? Was it not in the lore? Shit. Am I confusing it with the Ramayana bow?? Shit shit shit! Krishna will clearly know it was me who did it. Shit. Wait, you can hear me now right?? Ok I am sorry but I was so bored. I will stay out of trouble ok? Don't scold me please. And DON'T break the deal"


The morning was the most busiest Evi had ever seen. Every servant and guard was running from one place to the other, even Purnima. Evi had stopped whining about the numerous jewelleries Purnima had been trying to put on her as there were worse problems that she was facing.

Just after returning to her room after her nightly visit, she felt dizzy. She realised her body was disintegrating slowly, and only a week of hibernation would let it regenerate. The food she was eating was too toxic, the air she was breathing was too oxidative and the water contained too much mineral.

Her body, made for the war, was not compatible with the Dwapar yug. The only thing she could consume had to come from a godly source, the Patra, that she had left with the Pandavas.

"After today maybe they'll just destroy it to break their relations with me" Evi wondered as Purnima finishes with her work.

Evi did not get to see any of the men till she entered the gallery where Draupadi and the King were supposed to be seated. Evi didn't expect her to be allowed there, but upon continued pestering from Draupadi, Drupad let her join them.

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