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Evi sat on the edge of her seat to listen to the Kauravas and Pandavas fighting for the throne. It was amusing to her, because a throne was one of the last things she ever wanted. She bent forward to look at the sabha which was hidden behind all the onlookers, which made Dusshala laugh.

" If you're so interested, why don't you go nearer?" she asked.

" I am not interested per say. I am just concerned for Shikha"

Draupadi nodded too, but soon the trio managed to push past the crowd and go near the center 'stage' of the court. They were amazed, to say the least, as they saw Duryodhan hugging Yudhishthir.

" He's not going to stab Rajkumar Yudhishthir is he?" Draupadi asked.

" Of course not! Jyesth would NEVER do that" Dusshala joked. " Not so conspicuously atleast"

Duryodhan broke the embrace and held a cunning smile on his face.

" This won't end well" Evi thought while biting her lip in anticipation.

" Go Jyesth Bhrata, the seat for Yuvraj is waiting for you" Duryodhan pointed at the seat next to the king. " However, answer me one thing. Despite having a husband, if a woman has relations with other men, she is called immoral. In other states, such women are imprisoned. How will you serve justice as the crown Prince, when your own wife, Kulvadhu of Kuru vansh, is immoral?"

" I have answer to your question Duryodhan-" Yudhisthir was cut off by Dhritrashtra.

" I don't want to hear anything! You and your family has brought misfortune to our revered Kuru vansh. I order you and your family to be banished from the lands of Hastinapur FOREVER! Pack your stuff and leave before your Adharma taints our Kingdom's name"

Evi scoffed at the king's outburst which was unfortunately loud enough for everyone to hear. In a second, Evi regretted leaving her seat at the back, but now that eveyone's attenton was on her, she had to say something.

" Maharaj, it is your duty to listen to the other side of the argument before giving an order. You cannot just side with your sons and then expect the Pandavas to follow through the punishments"

Duryodhan shot a glare at Evi which clearly meant "stay out of this" but Evi just returned the stare. She didn't care about the Pandavas, but Shikhandini deserved better.

"There is nothing to be heard. What those five Pandavas and Rajkumari Shikhandini have done is not in line with Dharma" Dhritrarashtra replied.

" Tatshree, what's Dharma and what's adharma is based behind the meaning of the act. Devi Marisha married to ten Prachetas and gave birth to our ancestors. If our act is adharma, then we are all the fruits of Adharma Tatshree"

The court erupted in confusion while Evi pondered over Yudhishthir's speech. She wondered if always the motive should be checked and not the action, because there were MANY examples were the actions were downright cruel for what seemed to be good motives.

" This marriage was officiated by Maharishi Ved Vyas" Shikhandini spoke in between. " Moreover, this marriage has lots of rules and regulations which we are strictly following, to keep our Dharma intact"

The whole court looked at Shikhandini whose voice held a weird kind of authority. None of them have heard such a voice since Maharani Satyavati, under whose guidance Hastinapur remained a feared kingdom, even after having a weak king like Vichitravirya. 

" She is Rajkumari Amba's reincarnation isn't she?" Dusshala asked. " Is she strict?"

" She is the best sister and commander in the world" Draupadi replied. " She doesn't deserve to be treated like this"

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