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The Rishis kept chanting and putting ghee into the fire, as the fire grew more menacing.

Evi's eyes reflected its intensity as the spectators shuddered at the ongoing yagna.

Agni Pariksha wasn't something done for small discomforts. Devi Sita went through one to prove her chastity, but here, the Agni Pariksha was more of a dand (Punishment).

Evi looked around to see dozens of villagers huddled together to watch the spectacle. She looked around more to find some familiar faces, but none of the royal family were present.

She tried to ask Parvati about their whereabouts, but she had also left the place.

"Why are common people attending the Yagna but not the royals?"

" Please stand over there Miss Devika"

Evi looked at the man speaking to her. She hadn't talked to him even once directly, but had familiarised herself with his presence and more specifically, his importance to the Kuru family.

" Okay " Evi complied, "by the way, where are the Princes Acharya Dron?"

" The royal family has gotten under scrutiny for what happened that day. Pitamah Bhishma is being ostracised for letting all that damage happen to Hastinapur. So the royal family has been asked to stay indoors to avoid any mishaps"

Evi's shoulders dropped as she heard the news. "And me? Shouldn't the people hate me?"

" They do hate you. That's why you are being punished" Drona stated.

"But why are so many villagers around?" Evi blurted out.

"The villagers are scorned Lady Devika. They wanted to witness the punishment themselves" Drona answered. "Aren't you scared?" He asked as he realised how casually Evi talked even in such a situation.

" I don't have any emotion right now Acharya Dron. I am just tired" Evi breathed out.

"I see" Drona felt a bit weird about everything going on. He didn't understand why an Agni Pariksha was needed for a Punishment. And moreover why Rishi Daksh was the one officiating it. Yes, Evi did do a lot of damage, but Drona couldn't pin point why such a punishment was being given when no one was hurt in the commotion.

"Step inside the fire Evi" Rishi Daksh ordered after a few minutes as Evi eyed the fire. It reached the height of heavens, and almost seemed like Magma.

"As you wish" she sighed as she took the steps towards the Yagna.

"My flesh will burn. But my organs will be protected. Usually fire isn't strong enough to harm me, but this is...not a normal fire is it? I will need to get a new flesh from my storage-- WAIT... WHERE THE HELL IS MY ARM!?"

Amongst the chaos, Evi had forgotten that her arm was still missing.

"Is it with Shikha... Or worse... With SHIVA!?"

Evi took one step inside the fire, then another. Finally, she was completely engulfed by it.


Evi's systems narrated to her.


"As expected" Evi didn't know what to do. She had her eyes closed as they were vital organs, and couldn't decipher how long this was supposed to go on.

  INCOMING DETECTED. (something  was hurled at Evi)
  VISION NULL. (Her eyes are closed)
  ACTIVATING SPATIAL VISION (to see even through closed eyes)
  TEMPERATURE HAZARD (temperature has again rose)'

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