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" I told you" Shiva said as he saw Evi stupified at her arm. "We have decided to keep you alive"

"You.. BASTARD" Evi spat. "YOU FUCKING BITCHES" Evi stood up, her arm still locking in the attack.


But she suddenly felt a hand on her shoulder.

"DUSSASHAN CLICK THE SWITCH!" Arjun screamed as Dussashan flipped the switch, and in a second everything changed.

Evi found dozens of eyes at her, and her hand now aimed at someone else.


"NO!" Evi instantly rotated her hand towards herself , as the attack subsided.

"Evi?" Shikhandini stood up from her throne like chair and walked towards her, as the other four Pandavas followed.

Evi looked around and realised, she had transported back to the Hastinapur court.

"What's going on? Did Dussashan and Arjun come back?" Dhritarashtra asked.

The king had kept the transporter in the middle of the court, as they awaited the return of the two Princes by what Evi had described as "magic". Evi however didn't care to ask where they would be putting the receiving end of the transporter as she thought she and Ren would go back to their home from Dwarka.

But now, everything was ruined.

"Evi, are you alright?" Shikhandini's voice cracked as she dashed towards her bloodied friend. "WHAT HAPPENED?" She asked the other two passengers of the transport gadget.

Arjun and Dussashan looked at each other as they were still concussed from the transport. Warping of the space-time fabric to form a functioning wormhole, and travelling through it wasn't something they had done before.

As the duo tried to regain their composure, Bhishma and Duryodhan stomped down towards them.

" WHAT'S HAPPENING HERE?" Bhishma roared. " Why is Lady Devika with you two?"

Arjun massaged his temples and blurted out " PITAMAH! MADHAV HAS GONE MISSING!"

Arjun and Dussashan both hadn't comprehended what Shiva and Evi were conversing about because of the chaos. Arjun had only heard the convo between Evi and Balaram, after which he and Dussashan were shoved outside of the hall.

" WHAT!?" Duryodhan who was crouching near Evi along with Shikhandini whipped his head towards Arjun. " He's missing?"

" Yes..." Dussashan managed to reply. " for months it seems"

" DID YOU FIGHT WITH THEM LADY DEVIKA?" Bhishma was now completely shocked.

Evi shot a bloodied look at Bhishma.

Her clothes were tattered as her knuckled were stained with blood. Her exposed back was bruised blue and black as her eyes screamed murder. " Its not what you think" Evi muttered. Her thoughts were still in shambles as she buried her head in between her knees.

Just when something inside her snapped.

" You " Evi pointed at Bhishma. " Kill me"

" Wh-what?" Shikhandini and Duryodhan choked at their words. " What are you saying?" 

" Lady Devika. I understand you are troubled, but this is not how-" Vidur tried to interject.

" SHUT UP" Evi blared. " Do it, now"

" I cannot" Bhishma stated. " I cannot raise weapons against a lady"

" UGhhhhhh" She looked around the court. " Where's Karna?" she asked Duryodhan. 

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