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The diary wasn't at all punctual, but obviously Evi knew it. Ren wasn't a good diary keeper, just like her. Realisation dawned on her midway, that it wasn't just Krishna who married 'Radhika', but Ren was there too the whole time, and it made her even more sick.

In the diary, Ren had written everything after Krishna's body had reached 70 years if age, which is when Radhika had died. Krishna lived for 10 more years to look after his five kids with Radhika, who then went on to become the first IKSHANAS, burdened with the purpose of continuing the knowledge required to pull humanity out of the tragedy of the Blitz.

The four diaries were all handwritten, and it took only five hours to complete all of them. The diaries contained nothing but information about Radhika, and the life Krishna had with her.

From the day Krishna pursued her, to the day she accepted, the day they had their first child, and till the day Radhika took her last breath, everything was described in those diaries.

" Its like... a compilation of love letters" Riri pointed out, " although its fascinating to see how people used to live and think before the Blitz"

" Hmm..." was all Evi could answer.

She couldn't sort her feelings. Was it disgust? was it anger? was it guilt? Regret?

Was it Jealousy?

As she read how Krishna looked at Radhika, how every page unfailingly mentioned her beauty and charm, how loved she was by a family, Evi couldn't help but loathe her own fate.

What was so wrong about her, what had she done so cruel, that her life had to be filled with nothing but pain and suffering?

The 34 years she had lived as a complete human, the love she had gotten, Evi couldn't remember any of it. She had forgotten how her parents looked or talked. Even her sister's face got blurry in her memory, and her friends were not even registered in her brain anymore. In the following years, let alone romantic love, she couldn't even make a friend without watching them die in the next few months at the war field. 

" The person writing this... its THE Ren right? The one who-"

" Yes" Evi said, shaking her head to get out of the dangerous thoughts, " Ren's body parts were used to build the shield. His consciousness however, was attached with Krishna"

" Weird" Riri exclaimed, " its as if all the techs we have right now already existed back then.... just not in grasp of humanity"

The duo resumed reading the last page, but found a letter attacked to the bookcover. It said, ' To Evi' , and thus Riri handed it over to her to read.

 Evi.. Its Krishna. Me, not Ren '

Evi's hand shivered, but she maintained her composure. Too much had happened, she couldn't lose her calm now.

' I know, you must be feeling disgusted after reading the books.

Ren told me the same, so I guess, it will be true 100%. But I don't think an apology will suffice. Nor will it make sense. If it helps you feel better, Radhika is not you. She will never be you. And I still assure you, I didn't want to take advantage of her in any way.

The situation was grim Evi. I and Ren tried to change a lot of things, but nothing worked. We atlast found with help of Lord Brahma, about the Blitz. And we knew, the only way to send you back home, was to save the earth from the Blitz, as well as help humanity build itself up after it. But Gods couldn't exist till that long. As I told you, till mid-kalyug, we died. So I couldn't access the future further than that. I thus created a chain of offsprings, real humans, who would help me propagate into the correct possibility. 

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