Chapter 1: The Beginning

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You were feeling rather disoriented when you woke up, your whole body felt like it was slightly on fire, aching as if you had run a marathon without stretching first, it was mostly superficial and you could tell it would go away soon.

But as you roll over, reaching for your blanket to try and catch some more sleep, you find that your hand is only grasping at nothing but shadows, and a chill runs down your spine, not because you are scared, but because your back is against the cold floor.

Why are you on the floor? And why is it so dark?

You sit up, opening your eyes more fully, a task that would normally be hard after just waking up, but you find it easy since you are in complete darkness, not a single ray of sunshine or light showing anywhere.

That alarms you. You had an alarm on your nightstand, the numbers on the digital clock showing up in a soft light, one that would not hurt your eyes to look at in the middle of the night, but also one that you could read in the darkness.

And you had a window by your bed! Your bedroom always had a window by the bed, no matter how many times you had moved that was always the case. Watching the night sky and all its stars always helped you fall asleep, the moon glowing just enough to let you see, but not enough to keep you awake.

It's not that you are afraid of the dark.... Okay maybe a little, but it's more the fact that you don't know where you are and that you can't even see your own hand in front of your face. It's true that you never really settle down anywhere, always wandering from place to place, so it's not that you are expecting to wake up in familiar surroundings since you never stayed somewhere long enough for it to be fully familiar.

But you always knew WHERE you would wake up, always knew WHERE you were, WHERE you had wandered off to. None of which you knew now.

You are definitely on some kind of floor. Thinking that it is either made of some kind of stone or a kind of metal. It's too smooth to be natural rocks, and yet not so smooth that you would think it to be a fully polished floor.

The texture of the floor reminds you of the workshop you have been in once, working on cars and other machines. You always had been a bit of a tinker, but would never call yourself a mechanic. You remember laying under a car, your arms brushing the floor as you reached for the tool you needed. Cold, kind of rough, but not in a way that bothered you.

Were you in a workshop? You straighten yourself up and look for ANY indication of light! There was usually a little light above the light switches, making it easier to find them if you ever did find yourself lost in the dark like you were now, but your eyes could not find any.

You close your eyes in concentration, giving up on trying to find a light and instead trying to find a memory of why you are here, trying to think of the last thing that you clearly can remember when you last knew what was going on.

...Shooting stars.

You remember that you had wandered off, away from the light pollution of the small city to get a better look at the night sky. There had been promises of a lot of shooting stars that night, meteor showers, and other amazing events in the sky!

You were not going to miss it for anything.

Ever since you were little you loved the night sky and loved to stargaze and this night, and this was one of the biggest events of the year for that.

You had been laying on a grassy hill, clear of trees, with the best view of the sky you ever had, which was saying a lot! You remember the grass under you being slightly damp, not having bothered to bring a blanket to protect you from it, and how you had just been laying there, watching the show before your eyes for what felt like hours!

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