Chapter 12: Shopping

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Your shopping team consisted of Nat, Clint, and Steve as the leaders, showing you around, and Thor, Loki, and Bucky as your bag holders, which you felt bad about, but you got told that they needed new clothing too, so this was their way of paying for it.

You were also wondering why you needed this big of a group until you got to the big shopping mall. It was just like when celebrities walked in, people would stop, stare, and take pictures and some looked like they even wanted to run over, but were quickly stopped and gently told that the group would not be taking pictures today and to please keep their distance.

You started with shopping for clothing with Nat, you were told to buy a new closet and since the card you were holding had the Stark logo on it, you felt it is okay to buy something a bit fancier than you were used to.

When you told Nat you never really went on a shopping spree, she decided that this was her new mission. So she was picking out outfits for you to try out, dragging you from store to store and only letting you out of the changing area to pick out some outfits yourself or for when you needed to pay.

She took you to a lot of fancy stores with a lot of mirrors and made you twirl in front of them, even though you were not buying ball gowns or anything.

You thought the boys would be hating this part, but Bucky and Steve acted like bodyguards. In most of the stores, they would talk to the manager and get it emptied of other customers before you went in. They would then stand by the store entrance and keep people out. But if clearing the store was not possible they would stand nearby, watching the people around you.

Clint acted like Nat's agent, doing whatever she needed, sometimes without her even needing to ask. Watching them work together was amazing, they clearly knew each other in and out.

At first, you were unsure what Thor and Loki's jobs were, other than carrying your bags. As Nat had said they got some outfits for themself, but only one bag each, after that you were unsure if they had anything to do and again worried they were bored, but you soon learned that they too had jobs.

Thor was the most obvious one. He complimented you a lot, not in a way like he was trying to butter you up, but in a way that made you more confident in what you were wearing. It was rather obvious at that point that he was your hype man. He was good at finding just the right words to make you feel great about how you looked.

Loki had taken longer for you to figure out, he was so quiet and you rarely looked at him, blushing when you did. His gaze on you was so sharp, his face expressionless, so you were sure he was hating every second of this. Until he suddenly spoke up.

"The cut of the dress does not work with her body," Loki said. You were looking at yourself in a dress you liked the design of but were not happy about how it looked in the mirror.

You were so shocked at his words but didn't even have time to feel offended before he grabbed another dress and handed it to you.

You went to the changing area with it, confused about what had just happened. It looked a lot like the dress you had on before, it was even the same size, but you changed as instructed and came out in the new dress.

You gasped in shock as you saw yourself in the dress. It was the same dress but cut differently. It made a world's difference! The previous one had felt a little like wearing a costume, but this one flowed with your body, looking natural on you and making you feel gorgeous.

Loki clearly knew what he talked about, and you realized he had been so quiet before because he had been looking at you, seeing the different colors on you, different shapes, and had cataloged what worked with your body and what didn't.

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