Chapter 35: Party

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After all the presents came party games, along with snacks and alcohol.

You saw Steve and Tony argue about Peter drinking, Steve said he was way too young and Tony argued back that in a lot of other countries, the drinking age was a lot lower so it is fine. You noticed Bucky just casually taking a drink, putting it in Peter's hand, and guiding him back to the others, letting Steve and Tony continue their fight as none of them noticed.

You ended up playing Truth or Dare, which you learned was a way bigger deal with superheroes.

"Both Loki, Wanda, and Vision can tell if you lie," Thor explained, gesturing to them, "and the dares can get rather extreme, but you are not allowed to dare something too dangerous or impossible!"

Nat nodded, holding a drink in her hands. "You can refuse by taking a shot, but I warn you, they are pretty strong." She gestured to a tray of shots they made. "Also if someone else Dare involves you, you can also drink to avoid it."

The game was played with a bottle since no one trusted Tony not to hack a digital picker, so you took turns spinning.

Most of the people picked Dare, which resulted in stuff like Thor getting pink hair, Tony flying to Italy to get a pizza, and Nat kissing Bruce. You had noticed an obvious blush from Bruce when that happened and discovered Wanda and Vision were not the only possible relationship between the team.

Pietro got dared into a dress, which he walked around in pretty confidently. Bucky and Sam got dared to kiss, and they both drank a shot to avoid that.

There were a few Truth picks as well, mostly with questions like: "Who on the team has the best butt?" "What is your most embarrassing story from childhood?" And: "Have you ever had a one-night stand with someone in this room?"

The answers to those had been Steve, a story about Thor's childhood, and Nat drinking a shot making all the boys howl.

Finally, the bottle landed on you, Tony having spun it.

"Since it's your first turn I'll go easy on your kid," Tony promised, but you still choose Truth. "Alright then, who is the last person you kissed?"

"Oh, um." You blush slightly. "I... I never really kissed anyone," you admit. You have never been interested enough to kiss anyone.

"It's... True?!" Loki asked, looking at you shocked. Wanda nodded in agreement.

You shrug. "Never really dated anyone," you told them honestly and spun the bottle.


After a few drinks, you started noticing people getting tipsy while you didn't really feel the effect.

Steve walked over beside you while you were watching Tony and Clint sing karaoke. "It could be your body is burning through the alcohol too fast," he tells you, he too is looking pretty sober.

"If that is the case!" Thor said, rushing to the bar and fishing out a pretty fancy-looking bottle. "Perhaps this can get you the buzz! It's Asgardian mead and it works on Steve and Bucky too!"

Bucky was quickly rushing over to get a glass, and you were curious about it. So you walk over and got a glass yourself.


Okay yes, the drink definitely hit the spot! You were sipping your third drink when Tony noticed what bottle you were drinking from. "Who gave you that drink?" He asked, looking at the two gods with a frown. "Hey, how come she gets to drink that when I am not allowed to!"

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