Chapter 33: Mission

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You were seated between Wanda and Pietro when the jet takes off. The twins still accept you as one of their own.

Everyone is being addressed in their superhero name, so you make mental notes of them.

You try to listen while Cap is explaining the mission, something about capturing some other people running around with powers. It's not a super dangerous mission, but no mission is without danger.

Your job is to stay with Hawkeye and boost his arrow-shooting ability. Wanda and Pietro, who you learn are called The Witch and Quicksilver, would be staying near you as protection. The mission really didn't call for all of them, so your safety was the number one priority.

Dr. Strange would be with you too, mostly observing how you would do in action, but would step in if needed.

Iron Man was going to take the aerial view with Vision, making sure no civilians went into the battle zone and no enemies escaped.

Meaning the main force fighting would be Captain America, Winter Soldier, Falcon, Spiderman, Thor, and Loki. The last two you learned had no hero names.

Black Widow and Hulk would not be fighting.

"We are already overdoing it," Cap says, gesturing to Nat and Bruce, "we will not need the Hulk."

You blinked surprised, and looked back at Bruce, you had never really seen him in action and honestly had no idea what his superpower might be.

"We are only being this cautious to keep you safe," Cap said, bringing your attention back to him. "Are you sure you are up for this?"

"A bit too late to turn around," Tony said, already in his suit.

You nod seriously. "Yeah, St-" You cough. "Yes Cap sir, I am ready!" You said giving a salute, which made some of the others chuckle.

And so you all knew the plan as the Jet landed.


Thor twirled Mjølnir in his hand with a thoughtful look standing in the middle of the designated battlefield. This battle really did not need his full attention, so his mind wandered a lot. He was thinking about you, about your powers, both the supernatural and the natural.

Yes, The Stella had blessed you, and you could now bless others and could lift Mjølnir which was an incredible feat, but he was thinking about the everyday magic you seemed to be bringing with you.

How you made the tower feel more like a home. The Avengers had been a close group of friends before you came, but now it felt more like a family. The twins had opened up so much with you being here and Peter had started talking to the rest of the group too with you acting as a bridge.

And then there was Loki.

Thor had at first been wary of Loki showing interest in you, he usually kept to himself in the tower, being there more on order than his own will, and only coming out to cause mischief or when forced on a mission.

But Thor had seen the change in Loki, seeing him turn back into the brother he always had loved, the brother he missed. You brought out the joy in Loki, making him smile in earnest, something Thor had not seen in a long time.

Thor looked at his brother now, fighting the enemy. His last few battles had been half-hearted, him only doing what he needed.

Now he reminded Thor of when they would fight as kids, not the arguing kind, but the fun kind. Loki pulls tricks on the enemy but also takes the battle seriously.

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