Chapter 52: Target

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You didn't have a chance to talk to Loki the next morning as you are called out on a mission with a few others. He did see you off and he seemed to be in a better mood while still being a bit hesitant. You had been right to give him some space.

The team going today consist of Tony, Vision, Steve, Bucky, Nat, Clint, Bruce, and you. It was more Hydra agents and you had to admit you were a bit excited about hitting some of them, not that you liked violence, but who ever complained about hitting a nazi?

You were not to boost Steve, Bucky, or Bruce, and since Tony and Vision would mostly be supporting you from above, your main mission was to stay with Nat, and when the mission was over to power down Hulk if he was needed.

And it very quickly became clear that you did. Cap talking over the coms that there were more agents than had been expected. So Hulk joined the fight and you made sure to stay away from him.

"Be careful, they are all using some kind of energy-based weapons instead of bullets," Tony said as more enemies arrived.

You got worried about that, unsure how your shield dealt with energy blasts, and found that while it still could block the shots fired toward you and Nat, it made you feel really weird. "I think they're using that because of me," you told Cap, shuddering as another hit your shield. "Nat I'm gonna have to lower the shield, something feels off," you said seriously as you boosted her ability to shoot and dodge.

She nodded and got into the action as soon as you lower your shield. You did the same, switching to offense instead of defense, using your newly discovered floating platform to get to higher ground.

You got up to a point where you could even give Iron Man and Vision a boost, both of them thanking you as their attacks got stronger.

"Your welc-" You started when you suddenly felt an energy blast hit you in the back, almost knocking you off your platform. Tony quickly turned, finding the person who shot you and shot him back before quickly checking on you. "Are you, okay kid?!"

You looked at your hands and blinked slowly "... I..." You gave him a grin. "I think I absorbed it?" You could feel the energy inside you. You saw another person trying to blast you, so you blasted them instead, a yellow energy beam fired out of your hands on instinct.

Tony looked at your work and nodded in approval. "Nice." You could already tell he was planning more tests on this new ability and you knew you would have to report to Stephen as soon as you got back.

But this made the fight a lot less scary for you. The shoots fired at you did not even hurt, only pushing you slightly and the energy boost you got was more than worth a few pushes.

Seems like their plan to take down your shields had backfired. They picked the wrong target to mess with.

You ran around the battlefield, helping a lot more than you had on previous missions since there seemed to be no real danger to you here. Blasting the enemies left and right as they for some unknown reason just kept firing at you, clearly still targeting you.

But why?

You were starting to get a little pissed. The energy blast hitting you did not hurt you, but at this point, it was getting annoying! Why would they keep shooting you when it clearly did no damage?

At least none that you had noticed so far.

Vision was floating nearby and looked over at you as another energy shot hit you. He paused for a moment as it seemed like he was scanning you while you threw another energy beam back at the person who just shot you.

"Your vitals are concerning," he said seriously as another person hits you and he quickly shoots that guy with his own blast.

"What?" You say confused and look down at yourself, worried that maybe you're bleeding out or something without noticing.

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