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By the time night fell, Veni was tired due to exertion, Viren was busy with closing the pending official work and Daivik was focused on bringing Viren to see his side of Dyuti's parentage. The usual dinner with Viren and Veni had strained undertones as Daivik was unable to enjoy the food or company. Once the dinner was done and Viren had put Veni to sleep, the brothers sat on the far balcony that overlooked the gardens. Viren could sense that Daivik was irritated and itching to talk side of things. To prove his point, Daivik carried the Tab and handed it to Viren to look at the pictures.

Viren: (looking closely) Yes, these are indeed Shubhi and Mahesh, they look a little younger so maybe from five- six years ago.

Daivik: Can you see them hugging and doing whatever in the car?

Viren: Yes, they are hugging each other and though it is hazy it seems Shubhi is emotional.

Daivik: Yeah, meeting him after six months! 

Viren: She might be crying...

Daivik: Perhaps missing him....she had not seen him for six months....

Viren: Why do you think so?

Daivik: I had not seen him here....when we were married, so for six months.....and this meeting is right after I had just travelled to the US.

Viren: (thinking) Hmm 

Daivik: So now you can see the proof!

Viren: What proof? I don't see anything!

Daivik: It is right here!

Viren: What are you trying to say? They are cousins! They can hug each other!

Daivik: (his ego making him turn a deaf ear) It's there in the email. My wife is with this man, and he is carrying her out of the car and then she is hugging him! That is how she left this house six years ago, such a disgrace!

Viren: Hmm why are they here- wherever they are?

Daivik: Right in front of this house we are sitting in. (pointing to the main gate of the house) See that gate? This is CCTV footage from there!

Viren: Hmm....are these genuine?

Daivik: We had a camera installed there even six years back. So, the images are grainy but genuine.

Viren: Yes, they look grainy, barely recognizable, low light....

Daivik: But it is those two, you cannot deny that!

Viren: But what you are saying is jumping to conclusions!

Daivik: Please read this accompanying email!

Daivik switches to the email body and Viren reads the email that says, 'Look at your wife cavorting with her lover...and that too right in front of your house.... how many days has it been since you left.... look at her ways...all she needed was your back to be turned.... this is CCTV footage from the camera in front of your own house! You can check that none of this is morphed.'

Viren: Interesting so you believe whatever this email has alleged.

Daivik: It is not an allegation. It is clear from their actions.

Viren: I see nothing of the sort. If I piece these pictures differently...

Daivik: Meaning?

Viren: If you take the sequence in reverse, Mahesh is picking her up from the house- which is normal for him as a cousin brother, and she has collapsed in some way or for some reason which this picture shows (pointing to a particular picture). And then he picks her up and places her in the car to take her home. It is that simple.

Blessed: The Abandoned WifeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora