Coffee Date

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The hospital trip had gone well mercifully. Daivik thought, this time Shubhi did not fight with him, slap him or stepped on his toes. For the first time after his return to India they were civil with each other. He drove Veni home and when they reached, Viren was waiting for them at home.

Viren: How is my princess?

Veni: I am good papa, chachu was fun today!

Viren: Congratulations Dev! You have gone from boring chachu to fun chachu!

Daivik: Thanks for the promotion though I do not think I can ever compete with Darsh!

Veni: He is the best chachu in the world!

Viren: On that I agree completely!

Veni: But we gifted teddy bear to Dyuti and I even took care of her when Shubhi aunty had to go...

Daivik: To accounts...

Veni: Yes to accounts.....and then chachu even helped her into the car as well!

Viren: That is nice of you Dev! You are becoming better with kids

Daivik: Wow, another compliment, where am I?

Viren: In your house, and now Veni needs to change, have dinner and sleep. She has school tomorrow!

At night after Veni is tucked in, Viren and Daivik are talking in the living room.

Viren: How is your leg? What did Rajan say?

Daivik: It has healed, it pains at certain angles but that should be healed soon

Viren: Hmm...see if you want to go to office tomorrow

Daivik: Veni wanted to meet Dyuti again tomorrow, I can take her to their house

Viren: I will pick her up from school and take her there and work from home once I am back here

Daivik: Then I will go to office only, I will be bored here

Viren: Yes no fireworks here. How did it go with Shubhi?

Daivik: Oh for the first time we were mostly civil with each other

Viren: Wow, did you even talk?

Daivik: Two sentences, maybe, Rajan asked me to pass her a message

Viren: Rajan has done well with Dyuti

Daivik: He has done well with her mother as well....

Viren: What?

Daivik: She hugged him! She hugged Rajan!

Viren: He has been treating Dyuti for past couple of months...and they are more like friends now....that is normal behavior Dev!

Daivik: Not for her! She nearly refused the gift of soft toy and would have thrown me out of the room were it not for Veni!

Viren: You have not anything to endear yourself to her Dev! Let her be! Think and decide if you want anything to do with her or not...else let her be....

Daivik: You are again taking her side instead of your own brother!

Viren: Stop whining like a baby and take rest! good night bro!

Daivik: Good night!

Daivik's mood did not improve when  he stood in front of the deity, sharing his escapades with his ex wife as he was now used to.

Your girlfriend was finally civil to me

No she did not talk to me and even tried to refuse the soft toy! What is her problem?

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