Looking for a Frog

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Shubhi was irritated by Daivik's behaviour and did not know who to complain to, her family was busy with the preparation of her sister's marriage. Only Soumya knew of Daivik's return, but Shubhi was not sure if she wanted to make a big deal out of these encounters. However, when she called up Anita regarding Shuchi's wedding preparation, she was surprised when Anita mentioned that Viren's brother was back in town.

Shubhi: Hi Anita, can I meet you today? Will you be picking up the kids from school?

Anita: Viren will be picking up the kids from school today.

Shubhi: Wow that is a surprise!

Anita: Yes, his younger brother is back in town, and is taking care of some of the business. So Viren has a bit more time on hand.

Shubhi: Interesting!

Anita: Your tone doesn't say so girl!

Shubhi: Let's say I am not ...ummm...happy about it

Anita: Is this one...he has one brother or two?

Shubhi: One younger brother of his own and a cousin who is settled abroad

Anita: So this one, is the father of Dyuti? The guy you were married to?

Shubhi: Yes, it is the same guy- Daivik Rawal, he is back in India.

Anita: How did you know that he is back? Did he contact you? Did he ask for Dyuti?

Shubhi: I met him by accident.

Anita: Ohh he did not look for you or Dyuti?

Shubhi: Well, he doesn't have a reason to...he doesn't even know about Dyuti...

Anita: Hmm.. maybe now that you have met him, you can inform him...

Shubhi: Let's say...he had a different opinion of me...

Anita: I smell something here girl! What did he say?

Shubhi: He thinks that I cheated on him, and some other guy is Dyuti's father...

Anita: What nonsense! Does that guy even have a brain in his head?

Shubhi: Nah ego has occupied all that space!

Anita: That man lacks logic! He knows that you were a virgin when you consummated marriage.

Shubhi: Yes, I told you about that and all that happened...

Anita: So, all he needs to do is simple math!

Shubhi: Why would he ever do that? Do you think that the great Rawal family can have a child with Shubhi Khanna!

Anita: Why would someone say or think like that!

Shubhi: That was what his mom said to me when I informed her of my pregnancy.

Anita: That is a horrible thing to say!

Shubhi: She was sure her great son would never fall for the wiles of likes me of me!

Anita: Wiles, what wiles? You are straight as an arrow girl! Not that you needed anything, you have a natural charm!

Shubhi: I might have a natural charm but not enough money or breeding for their standards...

Anita: Jeez, I never expected to hear this! Viren has never shown any such prejudice!

Shubhi: I know, sometimes I think that Daivik is adopted.

Anita: Phew! That might be the reason!

Shubhi: Neither Viren bhaiya nor Dheemant have ever been anywhere near snobbish...

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