They tell him...

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Shubhi let out a sigh of relief when she parked the car at home, her cousins came rushing to help with the bags. Back home the report of her meeting with Pratham has been filed by the aunt by the time she reached home. Her mother was happy and assuming that Shubhi was interested, she asked her to think of the next date. Shubhi on the other hand, was thankful she did not need to have to talk about the incident in the parking lot. The boxes of goodies were enough to keep Dyuti and some of her cousins engaged through the evening and she was thankful again to the aunt for it. Today was a historical day, it started with him irritating her, then he helped her, then she punched him, stepped on his feet and even allowed that kiss! All in a day! She knew she did the right thing by stepping on his toes to cut the kiss, what was that man thinking! Giving her logic of why she should consider marrying him!!

Daivik drove the car back home in a bad mood. Everything at lunch had gone bad, starting from that fellow Pratham smiling like a puppy and Shubhi mooning over him in response. He did not like the conversation with the aunt and how she was playing matchmaker for the other guy. He wanted to scream and shout! He also needed a team on his side! To do what, he was not sure! The conversation in the parking lot was still hostile but at least they talked...he was getting used to her violent behavior.....and the kiss...that was something he planned to wear on his lips for a long time. Her reaction was the only saving grace, his memories from the past had served him well. It was as if someone had turned the clock back by six years....

Viren and Jai were in the study when Daivik arrived at the Rawal Residence. Viren had told the housekeeper to send Daivik directly to join them in the study. Anita had arranged a play date for the kids and Veni had gone to her house, allowing Viren to give his full attention to the matter at hand. They were seated on the couch in the presentation section, the wide screen was a few feet away and Viren's laptop was on the small table next to the couch. Behind them was Viren's huge desk and a large bookshelf lined the walls at the back and the right. To the left was the door, and when Daivik entered through that he saw his brother wearing a weird expression but talking to Jai in all seriousness. They were pointing to his photograph on the big screen. 

'Hey guys why are you checking my baby photos on the big screen?'

Both Jai and Viren were thinking how to respond to that when Daivik realised something. 

'But why do I look so modern and this background is weird. And those clothes, eesh, did you dig out some secret stash from mom where she dressed me in girlie clothes and took these photos?'

By now Daivik had plopped himself next to Jai on the couch and faced Viren. Both Jai and Viren were exchanging looks when Jai decided to break it to Daivik. 

'Dev, this is not you... in the picture...'

'Then who is it?'

Viren says, 'These are Dyuti's pictures.'

Daivik: Dyuti as in Shubhi's daughter? 

Viren: Yes

Daivik: But why are you checking her pictures? She seems very small here.....looks so much like me...

Viren: (bringing up Daivik's picture) see this is you in similar age and pose

Daivik: Yes that is me, but anyone will get confused looking at the pics....

Jai: Precisely, that is what we are thinking as well

Viren: We are exploring a theory of her parentage, they say the child resembles the father in first few years of life 

Daivik: Her father was in the army and we do not have his pictures

Jai: Yes we don't have that to match these against anyone else...but as you said she looks so much like you

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