Chapter 4

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Being in a police station was not anything new to me, of course josh and I got caught a few times but I was never alone.

I don't usually panic easily but something about men with guns frightened me beyond anything. I found myself shrinking in the seat when they took my fingerprints, I think they also did a DNA test.

This place could've just turned me into the foster home but didn't. I was curious, wondering why they were being so nice.

Most places would have thrown me to the streets without a second thought, yet here they were giving me food and letting me take a nap.

They were treating me better then the orphanage did.

I woke up from my nap very satisfied, it had been the best sleep I've gotten in a while. The social worker lady had arrived again and I expected them to say that my family didn't want me but to my surprise she informed me, I had a father.

A real father.

My father.

He wanted me?


What is happening? I had no clue why all of a sudden he was appearing in my life.

Did they tell him about the hotel incident?

So many questions and no answers.

Before I could even protest they were pushing me into the room, ready for us to meet.

He was going to take custody of me.


I'm not scared of anything but the way max eyes me is something that catches me off guard. I thought she would have at least smiled at me but no she just gives me cold dead eyes.

We had the same features, the same colored hair and the same eye color. She was definitely my daughter, no one could deny it.

I don't know what to say, I've never had experience with kids especially girls.

The lady must have noticed because she starts to speak for the both of us.

"C'mon max introduce yourself."

Max still is silence, sizing me up. She didn't look scared, maybe a little nervous but there was a certain confidence that I was proud of.

I put out my hand for her to shake "nice to meet you max, I'm Antonio."

She shakes my hand finally speaking.

"You too."

Well this couldn't be more awkward.

She did seem smaller then the average teenager. Has she eaten? I make a note to feed her all I can.

"So shall we go" I say smiling at her.

She nods following me out to the car, Willam starts to drive us to my house. The silence could be cut with a knife.

"So your my dad?" She for once looks at me.

"Yes and I have a few brothers, you will meet them later." I inform her checking my phone that has a million messages from all my brothers. Fuck, who told them?

"I live pretty far, you should probably get some sleep. Are you hungry? We could get something to eat."

She shakes her head "I'm okay." I didn't notice before but she had a phone in her pocket that kept buzzing, she was trying but failing to hide it from me.

I didn't want to be "that guy" but I can't have her keeping secrets.

"Who are you texting?" I ask trying to be polite about it, I still don't know max that well I would hate for her to get into trouble.

I already decided right away that I would protect her at all cost and I want a relationship with her.

I want to be a good father.

"Just a friend" she mumbles and instantly puts her phone away. I don't miss the glare she sends my way but it's more cute then threatening.

I smile "Max, I just want you to know that I don't want there to be secrets between us. I know you've had a rough time but I'm here now and your in my care" I say looking into her eyes for the first time.

She shrinks a little in her seat and I hope I didn't scare her, I was just trying to let her know that I will always be around for her.

"I got it." She says but there's a slight crack in her tone that doesn't go unnoticed by me.

I hope one day she will be able to open up and trust me but for now I have to play the waiting game.

I hope one day she will be able to open up and trust me but for now I have to play the waiting game

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