Chapter 9

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it's been a few weeks. Everything has been fine but I get the feeling Antonio wants to say things to me, but he's resistant.

I can't blame him, I haven't been giving the best effort either. After what happened with Josh I'm on edge, how did he get in here? I would think that Antonio had cameras all around.

Antonio comes into my room with a slight frown on his face but I'm not sure why.

"Can we talk?" He asks and I nod.

He sits down on the edge of the bed while I sit up.

"I think it's time that we have a discussion about the rules, your still young max and I think we need to set some ground rules."

Here it comes...

"Under no circumstances will you have boys coming in and out of your bedroom." His voice is now deadly as he eyes me for a reaction but I don't give one.

"I understand," I tell him.

"Are you dating him? Because your very young and shouldn't be dating." He narrows his eyes on me for an explanation.

"He's a friend from the orphanage and I don't know how he found this place but I promise it won't happen again." I say and I'm serious about this but it's hard to predict what josh will do.

"I understand, and this takes me to my next rule." He talks in a gruff voice but Its not as harsh as it was when talking about boyfriends.

"I don't like liars and I would appreciate it if you didn't lie to me about these important things."

Oh shit.

I don't know how he knows so much but I can tell I'm screwed.

"I understand."

"Ok good, the final thing is about school." He changed topics and I'm grateful. Maybe he will forget about josh with time I really hope.

"I have looked into it and you will attend the same school that Leo goes to."

I nod, I knew I would have to attend school but I feel very nervous about it. The last time I went to school was in kindergarten.

I may be street smart but I don't know anything about algebra or science.

"I know you haven't been to school in a while so if you need help or anything don't be afraid to ask me or Leo." When he talks he doesn't sound so gruff anymore, he sounds concerned.

I never met a man who could change there appearance so fast. He went from begin serious to sounding sincere.

"Okay, that would be great." I smile for the first time since this conversation started, as nervous as I am, I'm also very excited. I want to be a normal person and have experience.

He smiles back, "I'm happy that your excited. School will be hard at first but your smart and I'm sure it will all be good for you."

I nod and I think I'm to excited because I can't help but lean over and hug him.

"Thank you for this." I say and he laughs slightly surprised.

"Anything for you, my daughter." He holds me tightly.

I want to cringe now, daughter didn't sound right coming out of his mouth. He didn't need a daughter so why did he want me?

It didn't make sense to me.

I pull away and still smile at him.

"So when do I start?" I ask changing the subject.

"Next Monday you will go in for a tour and then you will start."

I nod but the next thing he says makes the smile on my face fade away.

"I'll have Leo and Romeo take you shopping tomorrow."

Why me?

I'm fine with Leo but Romeo is a grumpy man who obviously doesn't like me.

"What will you be doing?" I ask curiously.

"I have some business to take care of with Matteo, but I promise we will all meet up for lunch right after." He says while standing up from the bed.

"Antonio, what kind of business do you have?" I ask looking up at him.

I have this feeling that there's more, I'm being kept in the dark about something.

He smiles down at me, "nothing that you need to worry about."

Then he leaves and I'm left with many questions.

Then he leaves and I'm left with many questions

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