Chapter 7

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I was being called down for dinner when I woke up, back to reality I guess.

I came to a halt however, when I heard multiple male voices. I'm not ready to meet his brothers.

My uncles.

I could easily sneak back to my room to pretend I'm asleep, but I hear Anthony's voice and it stops me in my tracks.

"You can come out now Max."

Oh shoot, how did he know I was here?

"Come meet your uncles." Antonio says something gruff about his voice makes me think he's not to thrilled.

That makes two of us.

"I'll be down in a second." I call out, I'm so not ready for this.

"She seems shy." I hear a whisper of a voice.

Shy. No this was not my plan, I'm not shy I'm supposed to be the obnoxious brat.

"Alright I'm coming." I muster up all my energy and burst through the room.

Three men that look similar to Antonio study me as I present myself and I give them a small smile but cross my arms over my chest, I won't be intimidated just because they all look deadly.

Antonio is obviously the oldest.

The other three look curious but no one speaks.

Antonio sighs after a good minute "well, you guys wanted to meet her, here she is."

They all seem to be drinking some whiskey or something because he takes a big sip of his glass.

I've only been here for a hour and he's already drinking, I guess I should be prepared to leave sooner then expected.

I feel a wave of sadness but thats ridiculous.

I do a slightly awkward wave "I'm max."

One of them stands up, he looks slightly younger than Antonio and the others.

"Hey sorry about earlier we are just surprised at this situation. I'm Leo, 17 by the way."

"I'm so glad I'm not the youngest anymore." He seems happy but the other two eye me up like I'm going to steal there silver.

The more I observe them the more I see how rich they actually are, it's not silver. It's all gold. They are all dected out in suits and jewelry.

I bet they haven't had to beg for food. This makes me angry for some reason.

I force a smile, "yeah I'm only 14."

"I can't wait till you can join me in school, we are going to be best friends." I know Leo is trying to be nice but something in that comment triggers me.

"School?" I ask looking at Antonio for confirmation. This means I'm staying here for a while and I can't, I won't.

"We will discuss this all later, once your more settled here." He says looking into my eyes trying to read me. I give nothing back in return.

I nod. All eyes are on me and I don't like it, not one bit.

"So, who are you two?" I ask looking at the other two, no doubt the middle kids.

"Romeo, Antonio a word" one of them nods at me and finished his drink. Then he leaves the room followed by Antonio who passed me a smile as he disappeared into a room with Romeo.

Okay thats weird but whatever. Definitely not as charming as the Shakespeare Romeo.

"Hi I'm Matteo and I'm the second oldest, I'm sorry about my brother he can be cranky sometimes."

"It's nice to meet you." Finally someone offers me a handshake, at least he has manners.

I take his hand and this time my smile is genuine "it's nice to meet you too."

"So your actually Antonios daughter, that's crazy." Leo says slapping my back like we are a couple of pals. My face must have showed some discomfort because Matteo sends him a warning glare.

"Leonardo manners."

Leonardo. I can't help but laugh.

"Not cool brother." Leo sends a glare right back.

I can't help it, I laugh harder.

They are definitely siblings. But it's weird seeing how familiar they are even though they aren't the same age.

Matteo then smiles at me, now I realize there glares have stopped and there both looking at me with wonder.

"What?" I ask.

Matteo shakes his head "sorry max, we are just surprised at all of this. It's hard to imagine Antonio as a father."

"It's okay, I'm a little confused with everything too." I say honestly. I didn't want to like them but Matteo and Leo made me feel comfortable.

They share a few glances before Leo eventually speaks.

"So who is your mother?"

This makes my body stiffen, "the truth is I don't know. I was in the orphanage for as long as I can remember."

They keep looking at each other, it's irritating like being left out of a conversation.

"What? Do you guys know her? Is she alive?" I ask urgently.

Matteo shakes his head "no, maybe you should ask Antonio. We only know as much as you." He may think that he's comforting me but it's not.

"Okay." I have more questions but if they are telling the truth the only one who can answer them is Antonio.

I will get answers.

I will get answers

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