Chapter 20

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I'm in my first class at school and I already feel like falling asleep, I've only been here for a few hours but I'm cranky.

The rules Antonio had inflicted were easy to follow except the school one.

I just don't get the point of math or equations when will we ever need that in a field of work. I'm really not a morning person, I don't like people, I don't like small talk. Those things bore me like no other.

Wow, I sound like a prude.

What can I say some people bring out the worst in me.

The bell rings and that means this class ends and everyone should be getting to there second, of course no one is no a rush but I promised Antonio I would do my best and as much as I would love to do anything else I am going to class early.

I'm walking with my books, ready for the second round of torture when in the corner of my eye I spot Scott.

He's with a friend but I can see his face. He looks sad. I don't know what I'm thinking, why do I care?

There's something that tugs me towards him, I know I shouldn't. Haven't I learned my lesson with guys?

His friend pats him on the back than walks away but Scott slumps against the wall, a sigh leaves his mouth and he looks even worse sitting on the floor.

People pass by him and it irritates me a little, I don't care about him but why isn't anyone else coming to him even just to smile at him.

My feet have a mind of there own, I swear I wouldn't do this overwise but I walk to him and sit beside him.

Oh no, I think I see tears in his eyes.

"Hey, are you ok?" My voice is a little shaky because what am I supposed to do? I don't know how to comfort anyone.

"Yeah I'm fine." He doesn't look at me as he runs his eyes.

We lock eyes, then he takes a deep breath and finally smiles a little.

That stupid smile.

"I just-"

"I should go." I say cutting him off and standing up abruptly.

I don't have the time for this, guys like him get girls like me in trouble.

Just like Josh.

"But max-?" He tries to continue but I'm already leaving him, still on the ground.

From the last glimpse I had of his face, there was confusion but something in his eyes...


I'm not going there.

When we met last time he wanted to be friends but hopefully now that I have shown him how rude I can be he will change his mind.

I don't need friends right now, I just need to survive school and my new found family. School and family.

That's all I need.

Girl Named MaxTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang