Chapter 13

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Lunch was my favorite subject, I had a pizza slice with apple sauce and potato fries. I never ate something so fast in my life.

The only part I dread is making friends it's the worst part of the day, I'm a anti social person with a bad temper which makes it way harder to make friends.

At first, I was willing to try but the moment that boy hit me with a football and kept on pestering me after all that my plans went down the drain and I realized why I don't like people in the first place.

People are annoying.

Almost as annoying as the boy across from me.

"I'm Scott by the way, I know I never told you so what's yours?"

He's sitting beside me still chewing on his fries. Who talks while there mouth is full?

"Max." I say and hope he goes away now that the introductions are out of the way.

He smiles and before he says anything more I see Leo coming behind him, there's a look of confusion then anger when he speeds up his pace over to us.

"Max who's your friend?" He asks sitting down beside me but when he turns to the boy a look of recognition comes across his features.

"Oh hey Scott, I see you've met max." He smiles and they give each other a handshake every guy seems to know.

"You two know each other?" I ask a little confused, I would have preferred it if Leo beat him up just for looking at me.

Well now I know why I don't have any friends.

Scott nods, "yeah Leo used to play football and he gave me a few tips. He's been helping me get into the team." He sounds hopeful clearly football is something he really wants.

Not that I care, it's just an observation.

Leo smiles looking between us "I was going to introduce you two but I see you already have."

"I'm proud of you max, I thought you would have trouble making friends but I see you don't need my help."

Wow, thanks uncle.

"We aren't friends." I glare back at Scott but he just flashes a annoying little smile.

"Your friend hit me with a football and made me late to class."

Leo frowns noticing my not so pleasant tone, "well this is awkward.." I can hear mumble. The few things I've learned about Leo is that he doesn't stop talking. He always needs to say something even if it's blunt or has nothing to do with him.

"We will be friends eventually..." Scott's says with a hint of intrigue.

"No we won't." I smile hopefully to end this conversation, I don't like the cockiness of Scotts tone. It reminded me to much of josh and after what Antonio told me I know I need to keep my distance.

"Yes we will." Scott nods to Leo as if there speaking with there eyes, as if I didn't have a say in this.

"No we won't," I stand my ground.

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