3 Mini chandu Marriage - I

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After everyone in home had dispersed to sleep into their rooms Sampoorna around 10 pm had  came out of house silently to near by STD booth to  make  an ISD call to Anirudh who is currently in Edinburgh.  She Recollected how she got the number in morning

That day morning she eavesdropped chandu speaking with a person in Edinburgh from home  speaking about Anirudh and after disconnecting the phone he is   telling Jagannath and Bhushan that how he had engaged Anirudh in a mystery case made him out of London City  and as a part of safety measures he himself has  changed  his cell phone number on safety grounds and he went to Edinburgh and his accomodation is also arranged by the person whom he(Chandu) know.  Now neither Dad (Vinayak) nor Pedanaana (Trilochan kaka)  can contact him and confront him before their marriage later he will get high voltage shock after knowing about our marriage truth and become crazy and he smirked. Jagannath and Bhushan also smirked.

Sampoorna listened this and thought: But I am here na, chandu. I am here to spoil everything. Your wife had called me aunty and insulted me with her friends gang . You also used to insult me  as mistress to your father  whenever you get opportunity.

That Anirudh is  also no less even though he won't say any displeasing or disheartening words he too used to pass displeasing and dissatisfied looks at  me as if I am  a  gold digger , an opportunist because I have been satisfying Vinay physical  needs  when his mother is in last stage of cancer  and  within three months after his mother's death I took her place by our marriage  and he never spoke with me from that time. Always used to be silent and furious on me and never answered me back . Why should I spare either of you. I will spoil everyone's happiness here.

When everyone went to temple and final marriage shopping sampoorna faked headache and remained in home.

Later she went and saw number on caller ID which displays received call on Little screen  and she noted Edinburgh chandu friend phone number and made a Call from outside

The person who gave accomodation to Anirudh had lifted and sampoorna faked through Uk English accent  that she is his friend  and came to India need his help in finding an accommodation

He told Anirudh went on his case work and gave his (Anirudh's) new cell phone number and asked her to speak with him only

Sampoorna came out and made a call from outside STD booth night time secretly and called him.

Anirudh lifted the call wandering who is calling from Hyderabad. Other than Aravind mavayya no one used to call him from Hyderabad not even his father because everyone are highly enraged on him  as per their view he had taken a foolish and disastrous decision about  career and spoiled his own  future.

When he said Hello sampoorna faked tears and told:  Anirudh..it's me sampoorna

Anirudh controlling his anger and trying to be calm: you ? Why did you call me? Is everything ok there? You and  naanna --- you both and everyone are fine, right ? By the way how did you get this new number of mine. So far I didn't give this number to anyone
(meeraa  naaku enduku call chesaru ..అంతా క్షేమమే కదా.....మీరు , నాన్నా ...అంతా బాగానే వున్నారు కదా.. ఇంతకీ ఈ నెంబర్ మీకు ఏలా తెలిసింది. ఇంతవరకు ఎవ్వరికి ఇవ్వలేదు ఈ నెంబర్ )

(Author's explanation: Here Anirudh is addressing her respectably. You means   aap here. He gives respect to sampoorna out of formality even though he know how cruel and selfish she is who took his mother's place when she is still alive struggling in last days)

Sampoorna with pretending soft voice: Anirudh.. I need to tell You an important matter. You Are in Edinburgh  for a case right !?.

Anirudh: Haa..so

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