Promo 2 : Bondita expressed her desire infront of Anirudh

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Promo of మన మధ్య (in between us ❓)

Sumati had arranged a special coaching in medicine for 9th STD Bondita with her hard earned money not taking a rupee from her husband.

When she is speaking with her customer in her small office she got a call from coaching institute principal that Bondita is not attending classes regularly and infuriated sumati went in search of Bondita in all her friends houses and at one house she is dancing with her friends for annual day song: kehna hai kya...and arguing with her friends about different law sections and putting forth her arguments

She dragged her daughter from there to house and about to raise her hand on Bondita.

Anirudh who is staying in their house stopped sumati and assured that he will find the matter and sort it out.

When he asked Bondita she told that she want to become lawyer not a doctor and she wants to stay separately from her parents fed up of her parents fight. She wants a loving family and a person who loves her more. Anirudh is worried to listen this

How is Anirudh going to resolve this ? Will Bondita's desires be fulfilled?

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