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LOCATION: North Base, 2300 hours, May 15th

"Come on, we're almost there" Jackson breathes heavily through the scarf concealing his face.

The five officers drag themselves along the narrow path in the dark hours of the night, the only light keeping the darkness from eating them is that of a torch held by the leading man. Wincing in excrutiating pain with ever step they take, they manage to drag themselves to a clearing in the trees. A pair of gates stand before them, wrapped in vines and cammouflage, it's clear that whoever is here doesn't want to be found.

"What do you think is behind those gates?" Raphael asks the team leader as he slumps down against a boulder.

"Whatever it is, it can't be good" Maia shivers at the thought.

Suddenly, an arm wraps around the neck of one of the officers. Daniel is pulled back against someone's chest and a cold metal is pressed against the side of his head. His hands immediately raise above his head as a sign of surrendor to the attacker, his fellow officers raise their guns on instinct to protect their team member. The girl holding Daniel, Jayla is of a certain beauty, one they can't wrap their heads around. Her silky hair, darker than the night but her emerald green eyes illuminate through the darkness.

"Drop your weapons" Claire's voice comes from behind Jayla.

Another beauty steps out of the shadows, Claire's hair an ashy blonde and her eyes an ocean blue, staring into the souls of the remaining officers.

"We aren't here as any threat" Jackson promises and lowers his gun to the floor, he signals for his team members to do the same.

Jayla kicks the back of Daniel's knee and lowers him to the ground, she then motions for the other officers to do the same. They look hesitantly between each other causing her to lose patience, she undoes the safety from the gun and immediately the remaining four officers drop to their knees.

"Do we kill them?" Jayla asks Claire.

Claire observes the officers current condition before turning to Jayla, "They won't be a threat to us in their condition but we can't be too sure for the upcoming hours, we may need their information though".

"This is the first time the creatures have made it this far into our territory" Jayla states "Let's take them back to Ali and Nat before making any decisions".

"Creatures?" caleb repeats "I think there's some sort of misunderstanding we- -".

Caleb is cut off once he's forced into the ground along with the rest of the officers, others come from out of the shadows tightening zip ties around their wrists and dragging them up from the ground. They're shoved into a line and one after another, they are escorted through the passage adjacent to the gates.

The officers observe their surroundings on the otherside of the passage. What looks like a closed off space of woodland area from the outside, was actually a home to the abandoned survivors of what was known as THE END.

POV: I'm indecisive Where stories live. Discover now