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Silent. The room is held in a complete silence. Alongside the wall with maps and drawing tacked on it, a window shatters. It's just a single pane, knocked in by someone's hand. The hand unlocks the window and slides it up. The intrude, a college aged boy, climbs through the window followed by a timid girl. She looks about nervously once her feet touch the ground.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" the girl asks.

"It's a great idea. Come on!" the boy leads her out into the hallway, it's much darker here than the classroom.

"You go to school here?" the girl looks up at the boy.

"Used to" he brushes her off "On top of the gym, it's so cool - you can see the whole town".

"I-I don't want to go up there" She stutters.

"Oh, you can't wait, huh?" He smirks.

As he leans in to kiss her, she moves her head to the side causing his lips to land on her cheek.

"We're just gonna get in trouble" She worries, her eyes darting around the hallway.

"Count on it." He shrugs.

He kisses her once again but she turns suddenly, real fear crossing her face.

"What was that?" she unconsciously steps closer to the boy.

"What was what?" He looks down at her.

"I heard a noise" She whispers.

"It's nothing" he rolls his eyes.

"Maybe it's something" her voice cannot hide the fear.

"Maybe it's some thing" He mocks with a laugh.

"That's not funny" she scolds.

He looks about them. That place is dark, shadowy mimicking a scene from a horror movie. She cowers fearfully behind him.

"Hello...?" He calls out to the surroundings.


"There's nobody here" He motions around the room with his hand.

"Are you sure?" Her fearful demeanor begins to disappear.

"I'm sure" He turns away to lead her to their destination.

"Okay..." She smirks devilishly.

The boy screams in excrutiating pain as she bears horrible fangs and buries them in his neck.


Shoes. A poor man's shoes, walking down the alley. Echoing in the emptiness.


Walking tentatively, far away. Suddenly a dark figure rushes at him like a predator - he turns just as it reaches him and -


Children chanting a schoolyard song eerily in the blackness is heard, on top of sinister whispers.


And the man, face down, unable to crawl, clawing his way along thr ground in terror - all his hope vanished when his body is yanked at an incredible speed.


Tossing and turning, the room deathly silent as the shadow of someone - something - approaching her - and then an impossibly low voice.

POV: I'm indecisive Where stories live. Discover now