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Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday dear ...
Happy birthday to you.
Hip hip hooray!
Hip hip hooray!

A tall figure hooded in black clothing steps out from the shadows. The mysterious figure stumbles to its knees in front of the struggling body on the floor and clasps its hand over where its own heart would lie, almost sympathetically. The struggling body of a middle aged man shakes violently as he chokes on the blood pouring from his mouth. The pool of blood caused by a candle being stabbed into the back of his throat. The hooded figure leans forward and blows the candle out. Now the man lies still and silent.


'Is this the only footage from last night?' I ask the small woman who owns the laundrette.

'Sí. Se separaron después de esto.' The woman nods her head.

'Sergeant Forbes should I call in the translator?' Detective Greene offers, walking into the foreign language.

'Gracias por tu tiempo' I nod my head and turn to Greene, 'give forensics the go ahead and wrap everything up'.

'Yes sergeant' Greene nods.

'I want you in my car in ten or I'm leaving without you' I warn and watch him rush out of the door.

'Toma esto para ella' the woman lifts a bag onto the counter and looks up at me, 'Diana todavía no ha bajado a recogerlo y sé que buscas una excusa'.

I look down at the bag for a second before picking it up and showing the woman a small smile. Without another word I make my way out of the laundrette and towards my car. I throw the bag of washing onto the back seat and get into the drivers seat, waiting for Greene to finish up.

I wasn't going to leave without him, as a sergeant I have to sometimes make empty threats in order to keep control of my detectives. The more they think I'm a cold hearted sergeant the more respect I gain out of them through their own fear.

And just like I thought, Greene climbs into the passenger seat within five minutes of me exiting the laundrette.

'Where're we headed?' Greene asks as I pull out of the crime scene.

'To follow up a lead' I state simply.

'How could you get a lead from that video? I could hardly make out the figure moving in the dark' Greene sniggers.

'Too many questions' I shake my head.

Half an hour later we arrive at our destination, a small salon located in the poorer part of town. Greene watches over his shoulders as he steps out of the car, anxiously following behind me.

I turn around, 'grab the bag out the bag' I order, 'and straighten up. You're a detective not some lowlife who owes money'.

As I open the door the continuous beeping of the fire alarm blares in my ears, customers cover their own through instinct and I make my way over to the back. Diana rolls the chair from behind the desk towards the fire alarm and attempts to climb up. I immediately rush over and press the button before she needs to.

'You can't sue your own business if you fall one day' I push the chair back under the desk.

'Oh I could' she nods, 'I'd just transfer the whole thing to you and take you to court'.

POV: I'm indecisive Where stories live. Discover now