Extract from Chapter 36

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"I think I already know who this is."

To my surprise, I let go of Cate's shirt that was supporting her back, making her immediately reach out the headrest, avoiding her to fall on the ground.

"That is so unnecessary!" She scolded me as she held on to her dear life in the buffer on the couch.

I ignored her complaint. Instead, I only gasp in response, "Oh my god, is it Adris? Tell me, is it him?"

Cate instantly furrowed an eyebrow, "You thought about him too?"

"He's in the back of my mind, but," I gave her wide eyes, whispering, "You think it's possible?"

"...I don't know, but while I was waiting for you to get inside our room, the thought suddenly came up..." She said with a sigh. Then seconds later, she shook her head, "All right, no. He's kind and was always generous to us. I'm probably wrong."

"I mean..." I scrunched my nose, "He... kinda likes you, you know? Those late meetings?"

Well, Adris is a guy from production who works with Cate in her show, Mrs. America. He is a glasses man in his 50s. Also, he has a white stubble beard and is always in his black jacket, like a typical workaholic person. Cate has been filming this show in Toronto for a month now, and because they're both a producer, He and Cate always make these late invites for a discussion about the show, which I always end up retreating to ask her on some occasions for a date because of these coincidence meetings.

And Cate still doesn't know that.

I mean, true, Adris is nice. I could agree with that. When Cate was taking a scene with John Slattery, Cate's character's husband, Adris, was the one who toured me around since it was my first time in film production. He really knows everyone we pass by and tells me everything I should know...Like, also how he looks up to Cate so much.

Sure, everyone obviously looks up to Cate, and he didn't say it directly, but... I still believe that he likes her.

Cate chuckled at me and got up, sitting on the other side of the couch, "Oh, common. Be serious! Those meetings were for work. Plainly talking for that show," She tries to explain. "Late meetings happen."

"Cate, he only invites you." I said, emphasizing the word 'you.' "Always."

She leaned back, looking at me with a teasing smile, "What, do you want him to also invite you?"

I instantly made a disgusting look, "No! Why would you even suggest that?" I sat up and acted like I was close to puking, "Ew."

She laughs at me, making me frown even more for teasing me. Then, her smile didn't go off; she tapped her lap, "Lay here, jelly."

I rolled my eyes but still immediately lay my head in her lap and looked at her, "Seriously, if it's not that he likes you--"

"Which is not."

"He does," I pointed firmly, "Why did you think it's Adris?"

She shrugs, "Because I call him Dris?" Cate claimed poorly, also unsure of what she just said.

I looked confused, "...That is a kinda lame reason."

She chuckled, even bopping my nose, "Told you it was silly."

I chuckled too, rubbing my nose that she bopped and added, "You call your ex-husband, Drew; you think it's him too?"

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