Chapter 6

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Katniss POV.

"So we're almost there, right?" I ask Peeta, who is attentivily studying the map.

We've been travelling for some good hours now, and I really can't keep up with this much longer. I never in my entire life did na adventure and now going around the country just to steal a star's pair of boxers seems stupid and idiotic. Don't get me wrong, I really like Peeta, but these adventures are just childish and don't prove anything. It's as if he uses them to cover up who he actually is. The You Only live Once theory that Peeta defends with flesh and bones is ridiculously occupying his life and stopping him from acting with caution. But I try to don't argue with that because it seems to be the only thing Peeta truly is passionate about.

"I think we are. Really close, I believe." Peeta says looking uo from the map. I sight in reliefe. "In fact, I even think we are a few minutes away from Florida." he adds, making me feel alarmed.

"What? Florida? The concert is in Philadelfia, Peeta." I say alarmed and annoyed that Peeta is taking us to the wrong place."

Peeta looks groggily at me and then back at the map. "Oh, wait, it's backwards! The map is backwards! Damn, now I feel stupid."

I glare at him, utterly annoyed. "You Peeta Mellark are the ost irresponsible creature in this planet." I lecture him.

"Chill Katniss, you gotta relax." peeta says smoothly.

Just in the moment I think couldn't get any worst, the car stops, signaling we're out of fuel.

"This can't be happening." I mumble, with my jaw clenched in anger.

"what's happening?" Peeta asks looking at me.

I sight and grip the steerwheel in my hands "We're out of gas." I repeat.

"What, are you sure?" Peeta asks, looking through the car's controlls.

"Yes, I'm not stupid like certain people." I snap at him, feeling enraged.

"Just because the car's out of fuel you don't need to blame me about it." Peeta pipes up, also entering in his defensive mode.

"But it is your fault! It was you who dragged me into this stupid mess that you call adventure!" I yell at him.
Peeta seems hurt but doesn't say a thing, letting me go on with my little outburst. "You go around doing stupid things and pretending that you are legendary when in fact you're just trying to hide behind your shadow. Tell me, just tell me if someone trully knows who you are. Because in theses weeks since I met you, I know nothing about you, besides you are a complete irresponsible, cocky, emotionless guy. So Peeta Mellark, you are not legendary, you're just like everyone else, desperate to be remembered."I start to loose my voice with all this yelling, although the last part comes out as a whisper. Suddenley I regret that I said this out loud and hurt Peeta's feelings, who is still reacting to my stupid speech.
His face fall to something between a frown and a glare.

Of course that Peeta's impulsive being reacts faster than imaginable and he gets out of the car to the middle of the highway. I look at him, unresponsive for some seconds, but when Peeta is precisly in the middle of the road, the sound of impact of his body with a car makes me go back to reality.

"PEETA" I scream getting out of the car, and running to where he is lying.
The car that hit Peeta had seen him and tried to stop, but it still hit Peeta who went flying forward.

My legs move to where he is and I kneel down infront of me, still in shock unable to feel anything.

When I reach Peeta he is in the ground with his hands clutching his nose, a small trail of blood flooding through it.

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