Chapter 10

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I pull my knees closer to my chest and try to take calm deep breaths. I hate being closed like this. Well, technically I'm not closed, I'm just hiding under a food cart, out of view because of the black towel that covers it, but I feel as if I was trapped in a box. I can feel the cart being moved around and soon, it'll be taken backstage. I just hope no one remembers to check for something under the cart. I follow Peeta's instructions and try my best to stay unnoticed, moving the less I can.

It still doesn't seaze to amaze me how Peeta got me to go along with his plan. How come I have so much trust in him? And this plan? What can I say about it? It has so many flaws I have no idea how I manage to believe it'll work. But I do, I believe it'll work. Peeta said it's all it needs for the plan to work 'It is possible, if you believe!'  he had said. And although his statement seems to be taken of a children's book, the way Peeta said it, so secure of the words, I can't help myself but to agree with him. I guess that's one thing about Peeta, he has such a way with words, that I'd do anything he'd say even if it is the stupidiest, most unimaginable thing on the planet. The way the words sound when the leave his lips, smooth and filled with hope, it's hypnotic.

Peeta's plan is pretty basic and it seems to be taken from a movie. I hide under the food cart, that will be taken backstage. When nobody is watching, I'll sneak into Luke Hemming's dressing-room and I'll take his underwear. Afterwards I'll contact Peeta with the silly walkie talkie Peeta gave me and he'll distract the security that is by the door of the backstage, by doing some magic trick or doing beatbox (I tried to convince Peeta to do anything else has a distraction, but he argued saying that he really wanted to do beatbox. Also, he threatened me that if I didn't let him do the beatbox now, he'd spend the ride back to campus singing Bruno Mars, and I'm really up for that). While Peeta does his thing with the security, and burst through the door as fast as I can, and meet up with Peeta by the car, that was parked just behind a starbuck's not far away from the stadium where the concert is being held.

On the background I can hear the turmoil of people cheering and screaming, as the concert is about to start. I find it weird how a crowd of people screaming and freaking out can make such noise. It's almost as if they're all working together to be heard. I hear the cheering getting louder and I immediatly understand the concert just started. I can hear the greeting of the band, and I try my very best not to enter my hysteric fan mode. I take a few deep breaths trying to controll myself from the anxiety I'm feeling, and make myself think of peacefull memories: myself and Prim playing in the city park nearby my house when we were children, the naps I used to take in my father's safe arms when I was tired from school and didn't want to do my homework, counting the stars at night when I couldn't fall asleep. Then another memorie comes to my mind, and I immediatly try to send it to the back of my mind. Last night. Peeta sleeping with his arms around me, how at ease I felt with his arms around my torso and his head nuzzled in my shoulder. Unable to sleep, me turning around and caressing Peeta's hair for no apparent reason. Then, realizing what I was doing and breaking away from his arms, suddenley feeling empty without them. Needless to say, in the next morning Peeta's arms had found their way around my torso. I tried not to give much thought about it, but it's hard not to notice how fullfilled Peeta made me feel, or better, makes me feel.

My line of thoughts is stopped before I could reach any conclusion, when I feel the cart stop moving and I immediatly tense, ready to take off running at any moment. I hear the waiter that has been pushing the cart talking to the security that stands by the backstage's door. He, most likely, shows him his backstage pass and after that I hear the sound of an heavy door opening. The cart starts moving again for a little, and then it stops again. I hear the steps of the waiter leaving and after that the loud thud of the door closing. I allow myself to have a peek at the room and see if it's empty. For now, it is. After that I feel the walkie talkie vibrating, signaling Peeta's trying to contact me. I take the walkie talkie and listen to him.

"Hello... Shark's Eye calling for Sarcastic Girl. Over." I hear him say. I roll my eyes before answering.

"Peeta, there's no need for code names."

"Damn, Katniss! Now if someone hears us, they'll know our identities! Over." he huffs like a little child.

"Come on, Peeta! Who uses radio transmition in the modern days?" I whisper to him.

"It's Shark's Eye! That's my code name! Over." 

I allow myself to silently laugh. When I hear steps coming my way, I immediatly shush. After a while the steps are gone again, and I hear Peeta ask 'What's your status?' I peek through th towel to see the divisiozn empty.

"The cost is clear." I whisper to the walkie talkie "I'm coming out. You?"

"I'm going to my position. Over" Peeta most likely forgot to turn off his walkie talkie because I can hear him approaching the security, who warns him to stand back. I hear Peeta ask 'Wanna see something amazing?' and the security answering with a bored no. After that I hear Peeta shuffling, most likely looking for something in his pocket and after that I turn off the walkie talkie. I tug at the hood of Peeta's borrowed black sweatshirt. It stays huge on me but provides me such a comfort that I doubt I'll ever give it back to him. I can feel Peeta's scent invading me, he smells like a fluffy bed at the end of a tiring day, a nice hot coffee in a cold morning, a newly bought book I intend to read on a sunday's afternoon with my special someone. I don't know if it is even possible for people smell like a fluffy bed, a hot coffee, or a newly bought book, but Peeta does. He smells like home, like family, like future.

I take a deep breath before pushing the door that leads to Luke Hemming's dressing-room. The moment I'm in I immediatly see a comb sitting in a small coffee table. Before I can even register what I'm doing I'm picking it up and lifting it to the sky. I see a dirty blond hair caught in it and I immediatly take it and lift it to my nose, smelling it. I open my mouth as I'm about to scream in excitement, but stop myself before I do. Foccus Katniss. I tell myself. I rummaging around the room searching for any piece of clothing. I find shirts, jeans, jackets. And, obviously I take a sniff of everything. Eventually, I find a pair of boxers.

"Yes!" I chant excitedly, doing an happy dance. Why I'm so happy about a pair of underwear is beyond me, but I seriously don't care at this moment. I'm about to leave when I hear the door opening. I freeze. My mind takes a few time to adjust from the sudden fright, and my heart almost jumps out of my chest when I see Luke Hemmings with his eyebrows raised, also frozen in his spot by the door.

There's only time for him so say a What the fuck before take off running, brushing past him, to the exit. The moment I open the backstage's door, there are already two securities following me. I brush past Peeta, who was probably running out of ideas to distract the security by the entrance, and was doing some magic trick, his stack of cards falling in the ground the moment I bump into him.

Without even waiting for Peeta to follow me, I start running again. This time three security members following a little behind me. I'm small and lean, which makes me slightly faster, but when I stumblein a can of coke that was in the ground, and fall face first on the sidewalk, I know I'll be in quite soe trouble.

Short chapter, Ik guys. Also, give me some feedback!

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