Chapter 14

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A throbbing pain keeps nagging me from the back of my head, piercing through my brain. I groan lightly.

Pieces of last night swirl in my head. Flashes of pink skin, warmth, a pair of hands,tuffs of dark hair and grey eyes. Wait, grey eyes?!

I open my eyes in a flash, solving the puzzle in my head.

"No, no, no. Fuck!" I whisper shout to myself. What have I done? I look at myself, wishing that maybe this really is not what it seems, that I did not have sex with a random stranger last night, while I was drunk.

A loud snore comes from beside me. I turn my head. Fuck! It really couldnkk't get any worse. Grey eyes, Gale's grey eyes. Gale, one of Peeta's close friends. Peeta, the only guy I really give a fuck at the moment. The same guy that I intended to tell about my feelings for him. And I just slept with his friend.

"No." I grumble.

Gale, who's been drooling all over his pillow till this moments is disturbed by my frustrated chants. He stirs around a little, than, still with his eyes closed streches his arms, unintenionaly touching my bare hip. He makes a weird face, he probably doens't remember last night either. That sure is gonna help the awkwardness. He opens his eyes and scans the room, till his eyes land on me. I pull the covers upper to my chest, trying to cover myself from his gaze. He makes a confused face.

"Katniss?!" he asks, his voice caught up between confusion and disbelief.

I open my mouth to say something but nothing comes out. "Huhhh"

"No way." Gale gasps.

I need to get out of here. Like, right now. My minds racks the room trying to find a way to leave this place the quickest I can, without being spotted. No, I'm not that agile, and I certainly can't walk around campus with only a blanket covering myself. Or can I? No, it's better if I don't. I could take this blanket and run to the roof, and jump from one building to the other until I reach my dorm's window. I could lock myself in Gale's bathroom until it's nightime again. No, I can't do that, I'd get hungry. Think Katniss, think? What would Peeta do in this situation. 'Well, Peeta would never sleep with Gale while drunk, or anyone, for that matter. Only you would be that stupid.' a small voice in my head tells me.

I'm brought back from my thoughts when I see the door knob twiste. Oh fuck!

Marvel bursts in the dorm, with a coffee in his hands. At first he doesn't even look up, he just keeps walking, staring at the ground. Then he lifts his head, probably to greet Gale, but his greetings don't come to leave his mouth. Instead his mouth dropps open, and I swear, it almost reaches the ground like in the cartoons.

I was ready for any sort of reaction. Awkwardly leaving the room, laughing at us, congratulating Gale, and so on. Well, I was ready for anything but what he did.

"KATNISS AND GALE HAD SEX LAST NIGHT!" he yells so loud, I'm sure half of the campus could hear him. There goes the trying to be discrete. His coffee falls from his hand to the ground, staining the rugg.

"Oh, come on, man! Do you really have to do that?" Gale grumbles.

Marvel goes on with his hysterical reaction, grabbing a pot and afrying pan from the tiny kitchen/closet every dorm has. He immediatly starts clanks them together making so much noise, I'm sure he woke up half the campus. I'm sure he already woke up Peeta, whose dorm is just next door. The only thing I want to do right now is shrink till I'm the size of an ant and hide under the bed with the cockroaches. I mentally pray that Peeta's still feeling under the weather, and that his fever is high enough for him to think he's just allucinating by hearing this.

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