Chapter 3

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Warning: language

Ellie and I were walking to the gates, they gave us each a gun. They told us the basics, be safe and don't die. I see a horse, someone holding the leash walking towards us and hands the leash to ellie.

"Hey shimmer, ready for another adventure." She said

"Shimmer?" I questioned

"It's my horse, you have a problem with that? She jokes

"Maybe." I joke back

I wait for Ellie to hop on her horse and take her hand out as a sign to get on. Once she did I give a firm grip on her hand and hop up on her horse.

"Alright let's go!" Ellie exclaimed

She started riding her way out of the gates and then slowed shimmer down. I looked at her confused does she not know where to go? I see she is about to say something.

"Where did you go last time when you almost got bitten?" She asked

"Aaaaa I think over here." I say pointing south

Ellie yanked the leash and flicked it down, making shimmer speed up. I was getting worried, it's almost night and we shouldn't go far from the base.

"Why don't we go there another time, it's getting dark and if it wasn't safe for me in the morning maybe it will be worse at night." I say

"Its fine, I'm just going to check it and see if there are any infected still." She replied

"Okay." I say

I start to see the sun is now behind the mountains, we were getting closer to the place. Ellie leads shimmer to a tree, gets off shimmer and wraps the leash around the tree than ties it. She offers a hand for me to get down. I take it and say

"Ooooh such a lady" I joke around

As she rolls her eyes she says "ladies first"

I laughed and started walking over to the building, Ellie start getting ahead of me than she put her arm infront of me.

"Shhh do you hear that?" She asked

I hear screeches, clicks in the building.... Clickers.

"Are you fucking kidding me, were gonna die!" I thought

I panicked but Luckily Ellie snapped me out of it. We slowly walk around the building to get a closer look. Ellie watched her surroundings and we see a way in. I grabbed Ellie's arm, telling her it's not to late to turn back and patrol in a different area.

She continued, I took a deep breath and walked inside with her.

"I know Ellie can be brave but sometimes she goes to far. I mean she isn't just brave she is more than that. She is strong, Beautiful, and well more."

I start to realize that I almost stepped on glass..

"Wait that was the glass bottle yesterday!" I thought

"This is it, this is where I was yesterday." I whispered to her

She nodded and gave me a sign to stick close. We were walking more into the building until, we saw a clicker Ellie and I ducked down and crouched around the area. I look over to Ellie and she move her fingers saying let's split up.


I rolled my eyes and crouched away from Ellie. I reached behind my back, grab my gun from my back pack, and get ready for anything. I hope we both make it out of here alive.


I waited for Y/n to go the other direction and then crouch closer to the clicker. I put my gun back, replace it with my knife, quickly go behind the clicker and stab deep into the head.

I crouch back down and quickly hid to see if anymore would show up. Nothing did and crouched to where the clicker was and look for anything good. I was about to continue until I heard a screech over to my left.

"Fuck, That's where Y/n is!" I thought

I go towards the screeching and it was blocked by a counter I get up and go over the counter. Than I crouched back down I look around to see if Y/n was over her but no sign. My stomach starts to hurt and I crouch to find her.

"Shit I should have never split up with her, I have to find her and get out of here alive!" I thought

I hear the clicker is close I get ready to stab their head. They walk a lil more closer to me and I quickly stabbed them. I look around once again nothing, all of a sudden I hear gunshots.

"Shit, Y/N IM COMING!" I shouted causing the clickers to hear me. They start to running over to me

I grabbed my gun and try to shoot them all but one started running back to Y/n. I try to catch up before the clicker got her. I hear another gunshot and the clicker stops and falls to the floor.

I look to see Y/n staring down at the clicker angrily and breathing hard. She puts her gun back in her backpack. Than take a sec to catch her breath.

"It's getting to late to go back we need to find shelter." She says walking past me

"Is there anything close?" I asked while walking with her

"I saw a small shed close by." She replied

We walk out of the building and we grabbed shimmer and started to walk to the shed Y/n was talking about. I look at Y/n and see she kept on going and not even talking."

"Why isn't she talking, It's boring when she never talks. I wonder what's on her mind?" I thought

When we arrived to shed we set shimmer outside and went inside the shed.


I was still a little shaked up from the clickers. I looked to see if there was anything to eat in the draws but nothing. I sighed and sat on the queen bed next to Ellie.

"We'll have to get up early and go back to Jackson because we're not eating anything tonight that's for sure." I said

I get no response back, I look over at Ellie and she is looking down at her hands and just fidgeting.

"Ellie, Ellie!" I said

"Hmm, oh okay." She replied

"We should get some sleep" I said

She nodded and we get into the bed and went to sleep. I close my eyes and go to sleep.


Sorry took me a while uhm things aren't going to plan with being grounded but I will try to get the next chapter in as soon as I can!

1123 words

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