Chapter 4

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Warnings: Angst, Language


I open my eyes and it's dark, I feel a weight behind me on the bed. I start to remember what happended back where the clickers were. My body started moving slowly out of bed trying not to wake up Ellie. Once I got fully out of bed I see Ellie peacefully sleeping. I smiled and went to get my shoes on and a my sweatshirt .

I should find us food including Shimmer, I hope she has been alright out in the cold. Ellie said she was fine but still it must be freezing! Before walking out of the house I find a bucket and try to see if there was water to fill it with. I found a hose and turned it on, water was coming out I quickly grabbed the bucket and filled it. Once it was full I went to shimmer and gave the bucket to her. I give a few pets and went off to find food.


I open my eyes and get up to see Y/n not there, I went outside to see if she was there. Nothing but Shimmer and snow, I walk up to Shimmer and there is bucket of water by her.

"Did Y/n give you water, how sweet." I said

I look over to see footsteps from the snow.

"That must be Y/n. Sometimes I wonder what goes on in that brain of hers." I thought

I went back inside and waited for Y/n to come back, hopefully it takes less than an hour.


Snow was starting to fall, which means I need to hurry back to the shead. I only found a rabbit, it's not a lot but it is something. The storm was starting to get heavier, I start running a bit so I don't lose my tracks.

My track starts to disappear slowly which cause me to run faster. I arrive at the shead shed and quickly opened the door, and shut it.

"Ellie?" I say

"I'm right here" She respond

I look over to see her sitting in a chair, she looks like she is mad.

"I got us something to eat" I say lifting the rabbit.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" She said in a sturn tone

"What?" I questioned

"You went to go get food and we don't even fucking know the area very well." She said slowly getting louder

"Are you fucking kidding me! Ellie you can't even be mad at me for that. I'm alive aren't I?! I say

"Yeah you are but the risks!" She shouts

"Okay I'm sorry, God! Find your way back to Jackson by yourself because I'm not dealing with this!" I say grabbing my stuff leaving Ellie behind

I heard yelling from the distance but I didn't care enough. I was trying to find my way back to Jackson but all I thought about was back at shead. My mind trys to ignore the pity for leaving Ellie and I know I shouldn't leave her out by herself. More thoughts of sorrow came into my mind

"God dammit, fine!" I shout walking back

I see the shead and Ellie was standing there petting Shimmer. I roll my eyes and go to her.

"Hey.." I mumbled

"Hey..." She responded

"Look, let's just get your stuff and get the hell out of here. I think people in Jackson are already worried and think were dead" I said

She nodded her eyes looking down maybe she felt bad from before. I went inside and looked for Ellie's stuff, there was a small bag on the counter. It was full of weed. I went back outside and walked towards Ellie, I lifted the bag.

"Where did you find this?" I ask

"I.. fuck uh, would you believe me if I got it from the building we went in yesterday." She said

"Maybe, I'm just wondering because I want to get some." I say

"I may or may not have taken them all." She said slowly getting quiet

"Ah man, than you have to share at least two. I said

"I don't think so, these are rare to find what will you give?" She asked

"A kick in the face, please Ellie." I say with puppy dog eyes

"How about this, if you ever need one you can come over and we'll share one" She offered

"Uhh deal, we should probably go though." I said

"Oh shit, yeah probably." She responded

We hopped on shimmer and headed back to Jackson, we got into the base and Maria and Tommy ran to us. They both hugged us and let go.

"Where did you guys go? Are you hurt? Did any of you get bit?" They asked

"We went to a place somewhere over the south, and no were both fine." I said

"Well go home and get something to eat, and than come back to us and we'll assign you your new patrol for next week." They said

"I thought I had one tomorrow?" I asked

"Yeah." Ellie said

"We notice you have been getting a lot of patrols this week so we are letting you guys have the rest of the week off. They said

"Oh, sweet" Ellie says

"We better get going, but we'll see you at the party tomorrow!" They said walking away

"Party, what party?" I asked

"I don't know let's just head, If you want you can come over later?" Ellie says

"Maybe or maybe not, it depends on what in it for me." I say

"It is a paper rolled with some dust, I don't think you have heard it before." She says with a grin on her face

"Okay I'm in!" I said

"How about tonight, My house?" She aske

"Okay, great see you later." I said snd walked to my house

End of chapter 5
I'm so sorry, I have been so busy the past two weeks. Im still grounded so it's hard to write when I'm around my parents, with my back up electronic. I will try to get the next chapter in next week.

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