10. Irreconcilable

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General Haoran General Haoran held Fu Lin's hand in an iron-clad vice as he walked into the 'Zhou' Manor and pushed his hand away in revulsion, upon which impact Fu Lin twirled across the main hall and hit his back on the stone walls of the manor. The servants, engaged in their daily duties, stopped their handiwork abruptly and looked towards His Grace, the General, whose face looked unfathomably cold. The servants nearly yelped in fright—they've been living in the 'Zhou' Manor from a time when the General was still a child, but never have they ever witnessed such open resentment emanating from him. They stood dumbstruck.

"All of you get out." General Haoran spoke icily: "I have something to discuss with His highness in private".

The servants, like some insects hit by a wave of insect repellent, immediately took to their feet, wondering what was happening between their first master—the general—and his groom, Prince Fu Lin, who was their second master now. They prayed that it wasn't anything too bad.

For a few seconds, neither said anything. General Haoran clenched his fists and opened his mouth several times to ask something, but was annoyed at the very thought of having to converse with this thing. Fu Lin looked about nervously, bulging his eyes by the minute, expecting the General to come at him with a whip or kneeling order.

"Why... Did you do that?"

What came was a frustrated question. General Haoran pinched his forehead and looked down in perplexed contemplation. He wanted to know why he did the things he did. Was it deliberate? To get revenge from him because he was the general who took the countless lives of the Silver Mountain soldiers?

Either way, he wanted to know. He wanted to know this today, resolve any misunderstandings if there were any between them, and stop these things from happening in the future.

"Do... w-what?" Fu Lin stammered.

General Haoran looked up. Was this guy serious? He didn't know what he had done wrong. He looked genuinely lost, though. So he was a natural fool?

General Haoran felt slightly annoyed. "What else? Your underwear shenanigans on the day of the wedding, of course! Why did you tear your royal wedding robes and run away just as the ceremony was over?"

Fu Lin's 'somebody plopped a cherry' lips trembled as he said, "It-it was because a roach came flying from nowhere and got into my dress. It's scary, you know? R-roaches are creatures directly from hell." Fu Lin stopped himself when he saw the murderous expression on General Haoran's face.

Haoran really couldn't believe what he was listening to. A roach... a damn roach had him squealing and yelling like that? Was this supposed to be a joke? Or did this guy take him for a fool who believed all kinds of bullshit?

He looked at Fu Lin sharply, uncertainty flashing in his eyes from time to time. "And? Why did you do that last night?" He was about to stop himself but opened his lips again, disdainfully, "Before you ask 'what did I do again' I'll let you know that I'm talking about you running away last night!"

Fu Lin felt lost for a second and scratched his head, "That's..."

"Don't tell me you actually thought that it was because you assumed we would indulge in sexual activities."

Fu Lin's face was distorted, beyond horrified, and he spoke weakly, his sentences breaking and forming into stupid mutterings. "No, I- I..."

"Speak clearly like a normal human being."

His face went pale as he looked at the General with big apologetic eyes and said, "I-I... am sorry, Your Grace." He fidgeted with his fingers, "but I-I do not... want to do such things with you."

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐲'𝐬 𝐇𝐮𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝 || 敵の旦那様 (𝐁𝐋) ✔ [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now