22. Fear & Pangs

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Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The sonorous sound of the door ringing really gave him a fright. He stared at the polished sliding door and saw the vague, opaque shape of high-heeled boots pacing about impatiently. Fu Lin gulped.

What was he supposed to do? Just because he now had a hair's breadth of respect for the general did not mean that whatever reservation he had towards the general had evaporated just like that.

Simply put, he was still too much of a chicken to face the general!

And now he had more than enough reason to think so. Even though Fu Lin was empathetic enough to understand why the general behaved the way he did, what if the general did not share the same sentiments as him and bore a grudge against Fu Lin for rebuking his country? And what if he had come here now to exact revenge for Fu Lin's conduct at the court?

Meanwhile, the person behind the door had now ceased his attempts after banging over and over but getting no response. Fu Lin's chest almost burst open in fright when he saw the shadow of a hand looming above the handle of the door. It seems the person outside had had enough of waiting and now wanted to come in.

Oh no!

Before he could react, however, in a split second, a vague movement had taken place, and somebody was already standing in the corner of the room cautiously. Terrified by the haunting posture of the person who was looming just a few feet away, he almost opened his mouth to scream his everyday banshee wail.

That was when he realized he had lost his voice.

"Y-you... " He pushed out a syllable with utmost difficulty after squeezing his vocal cords multiple times. "Who... who're you?"

The person was concealed behind the shades of the bed curtains, and the lingering darkness increased the fire of the almost-dying glass lamp flame. With that, what came into display was the kind face of a person with high brows and a soft smile-a man that Fu Li didn't know.

"I suggest you don't try talking until dawn comes." The words of the unknown man were like stones sinking within a deep pool, soft and calming. "The trauma your vocal chords have suffered from the abrupt injury would take a few hours to ease, and it is advisable that you do not speak until then."

Fu Lin did not try to resist the man after that because it was very clear he was a physician of sorts.

"I've prescribed a simple tonic that you can take whenever your throat hurts. You need not fear its side effects, as it is a simple cooling liquid to lull your strained chords. As for the burns," the physician contemplated, "they're small injuries that would eventually fade given enough time."

Fu Lin nodded his head in agreement. It seemed like nothing was serious.

The physician, however, continued to gaze at him with a strange look in his eyes and said, "Your Highness I know this might be an intrusion on your private life, but you do realize my life is at risk here if I fail to give a proper explanation for your sudden blackout. The blood that was shed from the sword injury is minimal, in fact." He raised his eyes in confused astonishment. "Not even a child would faint over such an abysmally small injury."

His words then died down, and a long silence ensued before he asked again, "The reason why you fainted... is it what I think it is?"

Fu Lin didn't bother to answer him immediately and looked out of the window. After what seemed like an eternity of absorbing the scenery outside, Fu Lin very slowly nodded his head in agreement once again.

The physician did not dare to dawdle any longer and said, "Alright then, I shall take my departure, Your Highness. Wishing you a quick recovery."

Fu Lin made a sound of acknowledgement but did not try to look in the direction the physician walked, nor did he jump at the sound of the door closing behind him. The physician steadily walked out, closing the door behind him with ordinary ease, and as he turned, he almost threw himself down by bumping into someone who was standing by the door like a pillar.

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