11. Mutual Feelings

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 "It's because..."

Oh Mountains! He really didn't want to do this.

"...It's because you're a warrior and huge".

Never mind; he said it anyway. Fu Lin wanted to scuttle somewhere far away from this demon and bury himself alive so that he could die peacefully of suffocation before this man tore his limbs apart piece by piece. He wouldn't mind dying as long as it's not painful, you know?

Fu Lin really did not have the courage to look at the general's face right now. What if he gets provoked after looking at his face and being told, "You dare raise your head after saying something so offensive?" But before he could actually worry about anything, the general's fierce voice pierced his ears.

"Excuse me?!"

Oh Mountains! He looks really angry.

"What does my size have to do with you running away?"

Fu Lin had to clutch at the wall behind him to stop the jiggle in his legs and keep himself upright. This man really had the power to bring people to their knees by just standing there—what an oppressive aura. Fu Lin wanted to evade the question. He couldn't possibly tell the general that he'd done everything he did, and the general's size bothered him because he was too much of a chicken.

Fu Lin opened his mouth helplessly to lie his way out of it. However, just as he was about to do so, he saw the lock-like eyes of the general, which usually seem so dead-set on their duty, were now unforgivingly set on him.

"Please don't look at me like that," Fu Lin thought as he gulped. "I might actually shit my pants, you know?"

And so, before he knew it, the truth had flowed out of his mouth.

""You... you're huge, right?"

What?! What had he done? What in the rat's ass has he done?

"Look at those hands; they're like elephant feet!"

Oh Shit! Somebody...anybody save him! He really didn't want to say that. Why was his mouth always so loose? Fu Lin silently began searching in his mind for the best grave location for his body to rest peacefully after the General was done with him.

"I have always been s—scared of people who're stronger than me because they could easily break an arm or two and I'd be disabled for life, so I try to stay away from them as much as possible. I mean, I did know you were an Imperial General and therefore must be somewhat large in size, but I didn't think you'd look this strong."

Fu Lin did not know what he said beyond that. He'd probably spouted some bullshit that'd embarrass himself for a lifetime anyway; he never actually considered digging himself a grave and burying himself within it as he did now. Sure, he had always been a coward, and his actions were openly parallel with that notion. Everybody around him knew what a chicken he was.

But he never in his life had to explain how lame he was through his own mouth in front of another person. Not even his royal brothers had interrogated him this badly. All he knew right now was that he had done what probably nobody in their lifetime would ever want to do anyway.

Give a five-minute speech about how pathetic they were, that is.

He closed his eyes and resigned himself to his fate. It is fine. It is fine if he lost an arm... or two.

No, it wasn't! He didn't want to lose an arm or two! But this demon might cleave his head off if he didn't let him have his revenge. So he kept standing, shaking and shivering at the thought of walking around without an arm or a leg—or maybe both legs.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐲'𝐬 𝐇𝐮𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝 || 敵の旦那様 (𝐁𝐋) ✔ [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now