48. No more

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As Fu Lin stumbled his way through the curves of the manor, guided by the servant, whose existence was merely a silhouette to him, his breathing became ragged. He could hardly believe what he heard. The fact that the General was here to see him.

Him out of all the people out there.

After what he did the last time, he did not expect forgiveness to come this easy. That day as the General left after their heated discussion, he had gone out of his way to state that he wouldn't be back to the manor for at least a year or so until he had completely taken care of relevant military affairs. Indeed, Fu Lin knew anything about the military was a complete bull– it was just him recovering his broken heart.

Fu Lin was not a sickly abhorrent individual who took pleasure in the suffering of another. However, right now, as he advanced step by step towards the General who wished his presence despite how obviously he should be hurting, a warped sense of satisfaction emerged in his heart.

And he, somewhat extremely slightly, looked forward to meeting the General after so long. It was the person he considered an irreplaceable companion after all.

When they finally reached the place, the General had supposedly located himself in the office chambers that Fu Lin had been staring at just moments ago. Granted, though he took some time off to adorn his face with a layer of artificial rouge and straighten the crumpled edges of his dress–all to please the person in question, he was absolutely certain that the doors to the chambers were open just moments ago.

He dismissed the thought and tried opening the door when the servant abruptly stopped him. "What... is it?"

"Your Highness." The servant shook his head. "The General urged permission be sought before anybody walks into the chamber."

Fu Lin's throat constricted. So, that's how it is. He pushed the thought aside and knocked on the door lightly.

"Who is it?" The one who enquired was a servant.

"It is I," Fu Lin replied, disconcerted. "The Seventh Prince Fu Lin seeking His Grace's audience."

A short silence ensued. The door creaked slightly as it opened itself and a rapid gust of wind hailed from the chamber. The gust of wind carried traces of metallic odour and sword rust– a classic smell that resembled Haoran. Fu Lin involuntarily took in a lungful of breath.

He took slow and steady steps into the room and realised that the General was seated at the head of the wooden table that was now devoid of any parchment. His eyes had frozen over as he glanced at Fu Lin, not one crack of emotion visible in its endless pools of black. His posture upright and iron-clad as it had been when Fu Lin first met him, he waited till Fu Lin initiated conversation.

"Greetings, Your Grace." Fu Lin tried to match the apathy in his eyes.

Haoran simply nodded his head slightly in response. Fu Lin felt his heart tighten in his chest with the increasing cold treatment.

"I heard." Fu Lin tried to make conversation before things got too awkward. "That the General sought my audience for something. Could it be something important?"

"Do not fear Your Highness, I have given up on indulging in 'useless conversations' like the last time."

Fu Lin gave up his heart, numbing at the barbs of pain. "What is it, Your Grace?"

The General's fathomless gaze bored into his own. "Before that don't you have something you need to tell me?"

"I do," Fu Lin said, "I should not have said what I said that day and inflicted dishonour upon a loyal subject to the Empire of Blazing Sun such as yourself who risked his neck not just once– but countless times solely for the sake of the country's betterment. I, who had barely done anything so remarkable for my own country, do not have the right to judge you. I'm a despicable human being in that respect and seek your fervent forgiveness for what I uttered that day."

"And?" The General asked unconcerned.

"That... is all Your Grace." "Was that not what the General expected?" He contemplated but was confused.

"Well, will you look at that?" The General seemed disappointed even as his lips curled cruelly. "If I were to argue I'd say, you were a much better subject to your country than I ever was. After all, I dared to betray my country by harbouring affection towards an enemy, but you were steadfast enough to walk all over such trivial emotions. You need not apologise for such obviously righteous actions."

Then the General suddenly stood up. "I'm here today not to negotiate the affairs of the past but to inform you of the proceedings of the future."

Fu Lin gulped, not understanding what he meant. "Whatever could you mean?"

"It is simply that I never participate in arrangements that yield little to no benefit to me," General Haoran continued placidly, "I cannot coerce affection nor bear the loss of housing an individual that would cause me disadvantage in the long run–for emotions are completely barred from human control. For my current emotional vulnerability to stabilise, I require its catalyst to be eliminated. That is for you to stay away from me. This arrangement, therefore, has expired its benefits to me."

Fu Lin's heart sank. "What are you implying?"

"I'm not implying anything," the General said, "I am, in every sense of the word, stating what has to be proclaimed with utmost transparency."

"You cannot be serious..." Fu Lin's voice wavered.

"I am serious." The General's voice was cold like a frozen blade. "This is the only way out of this current stagnancy for me."

An extremely bizarre chill reinforced its way into the chamber as it clung to Fu Lin's clothing. This was the one thing Fu Lin had dreaded in all this while, in the deepest recesses of his heart. His clothing lightly swayed, obstructing his view of the General as he said the rest of the words that thundered against Fu Lin's ears. His words were soft, extremely delicate when he lisped,

"I shall immediately apply for a formal divorce."


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