Be Honest

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Hiiiii this is another quick short chapter. I will be adding more to it but I wanted to keep my promise of posting almost every day. I will edit this completely tomorrow and I might add some more fun little lines or details. Stay tuned and thank you for reading.

(Edited chapter)



"How was it?" Emily says as I walk into our shared apartment.
I haven't been living here for long but I do have to say that having a roommate as nice and fun as Emily (besides the fact that she uses all the hot water)  is one of the only positives so far in this chaotic city.

She's 26, a bit older than me. I don't really know what her actual job is- I only know it has something to do with finances and that she has to be up by 4:30 am every damn day of the week. She has dark blue hair styled with a pixie cut.

She's a badass and doesn't take shit from anyone. I admire her.

"It was- fine. Honestly, I don't know how I got the job. I was an hour late to the interview and that by itself should have been the cutoff." I reply as I put my bag down and sit on the couch next to her.

She jumps up and smiles,
"An hour late?! Damn Angela- that's a record. But I'm happy you got it! They probably saw how smart you are and realized they could not afford to lose you. Now, Are those two as evil as people say they are?! C'mon spill"

"I- they're...they're cold."

"Cold?" Emily responds with a confused expression.

"Yeah- cold. They showed little emotion. And they looked at me weird."

"What do you mean weird? Do I need to beat someone up?"

"No no- not like that. I just have a feeling they didn't really like me."

"Babe, I think that's all in your head. If they didn't like you- you wouldn't have gotten the job."

She has a point. But I still couldn't shake off the feeling something happened within that 15 minute interview I wasn't 100% getting.

"Once the interview was over, before I was about to leave, they just started to talk to each other in italian."

"In front of you? Rude." Emily says as she stands and walks to the kitchen. She comes back with  two glasses and a bottle of wine. She opens the bottle and serves me a glass.

"Yeah- I didn't catch much but I remember them saying something in the lines of 'Guardala arrossire' and 'tesoro'. I'm probably pronouncing it wrong." I take a sip of the wine and watch as Emily takes out her phone and tries to spell what I just said to the best of her ability.

"Shut up." She says as she looks up.

"What? What does it mean?"

She laughs and reads what she found

"Well according to our dearest friend google- Guardala arrossire means something in the lines of 'Look at her blush' or 'watch her blush' and 'tesoro' is like saying ' darlin'. Were you blushing in front of them?!"

"What-I you know I blush for the stupidest things. I was just nervous-"

She stands up and points at me with her glass.

"Stop lying to yourself. Omg you're so gay-"

"What! No no I'm not. I-I just got ner-"

"-and you have a crush on one of your current bosses-"

"-I don't have a crush on anyone! I just met them-"

"or you have a crush in BOTH of them. I don't blame you honestly. Based on the little research we did the other day I can tell those two are hot af."


She giggles and takes a sip of her glass

"Maybe they have a little crush on you too, who knows."

"No no. There 's no way."

"Uuu yes there's a way- not a straight way but a way."

I grab a pillow and throw it at her. It hits her wine glass and before we can do anything about it, the glass shatters on the wooden floor.

"You're paying for that one. Is the 3rd one you have broken this week."

"I will send you a cash app tomorrow morning." I say as I start to pick up the biggest pieces of glass.

"What I'm saying is that maybe this is your little push out of the closet." She bends down and starts to help me clean the wine stain. I turn and look at her with a serious expression

"Honey-I have seen you check my friend Melony out more than once. I have caught ya lookin so don't even try to deny it. You're always complaining how none of your dates with men go well. How you never seem to find any sexual attraction towards any of them. You have never been with a woman before- don't knock it till ya try it."

"Either way that first woman doesn't have to be either one of my brand new bosses"

"No- but you know you want it to be." She smirks at me and I roll my eyes.

"You're insufferable"

"No, I'm honest and I can see right through you. Behind that good girl vibes you have there's a kinky woman wanting to get railed. I just know it."

"You did NOT just say that." I try to sound mad and serious but I can't suppress my laughter.

"I did- and it is the truth."

"I'm not going to sleep with my boss- bosses."

"I never said you were- I just gave an example." She looks away and smiles.

Sometimes I don't know how I still put up with her.


Thank you for reading! Give a star if you liked it!

Remember that this is another quick short chapter and that will be adding more to it later on.  I wanted to keep my promise of posting almost every day.

Have a wonderful night my loves,


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