Desire ✨✨

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Hello my loves! Another chapterrrrr

Remember I will edit this completely as soon as possible and I might add some more fun little lines or details later.

I hope you all like it!!





It's been 10 minutes and no one has said a thing. I'm growing impatient and my anxiety is escalating.

I look out the window  and try to distract myself with the view of the city, counting cars and colors, trying to guess what each individual walking in the dark street does for a living. But around 5 minutes later, I start thinking back to the incident at the office and I'm taken back to the present.

"It wasn't my intention- I thought someone was getting hurt." I say breaking the silence.

"I can assure you, no one was getting hurt." Rose responds and locks eyes with me through the rear view mirror, then looks back at the road and the silence consumes the car once more.

After another 20 minutes of nothing but more silence, we finally arrived at my street.

"You live here?" Francesca asks as Rose parks the car right next to the sidewalk.

Now she's clearly judging the outside of my building. I don't blame her. There's a pile of trash right at the bottom of the stairs towards the entrance. The door is held close by a piece of tape, and there's a hole on the top left side where the snow always comes through.

"Yes. Is not much, but it is all I could afford when I first moved here. My roommate and I are planning on moving to a better and bigger apartment next month. One that's also closer to the workplace- so I don't have to take the train or pay more than $200 for a taxic. We're simply waiting for the rent contract to end here." I say and grab my purse.

"Thank you for the ride. Have a nice night." I exit the car and close the door behind me. As I'm going up the stairs towards the apartment building ready to take a long shower to wash all the shame from today, I hear Francesca call out my name. I turn to find her coming towards me.

"You forgot this," she says as she hands me my phone.

"Oh right. Thank you." I grab it and place it in my back pocket.

"Angela, I have a quick question for you."

"What is it?" I ask, as I look up at her.

"Why didn't you leave the second you saw me and Rose in the office?"

Now...I'm truly at  a loss for words.

"I- I was shocked I didn't know what to do."

"Oh is that it?" She is so close now I can feel her breath on my face.

"Yes." I let out, my breathing becoming more intense.

She tugs a hair behind my ear and lets her hand rest on the side of my face. It travels to my cheek and then I feel her thumb touch my lower lip.

"Why did it look like you liked it?"

I'm trying so hard not to let my eyes fall shut, knowing I won't be able to deal with the embarrassment of it later.

"I wouldn't I was just-I was just..shocked"

She laughs against my lips. A weird feeling travels down my body once more.

"Don't worry- I also liked it." She whispers against my lips. Even though it's cold out, I currently feel like I'm burning up.

Her other hand falls to my waist . Her lips are so close to mine I'm sure she's going to kiss me. And the scariest part is that I know I would let her. But before I do something I might later regret, she pulls back.

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