dancing in the rain (requested)

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"Another rainy day." You said with a sigh as Minho sat down next to you on the couch.

You were staring out the window, watching the rain fall.

Minho placed his hand on your back and smiled sadly, knowing that you were missing the sunshine a little today.

"What should we do today?" You asked as you looked away from the window and to your boyfriend instead. "I was hoping we'd be able to go for a walk or something but it looks like that's out."

"I don't know. What do you want to do?" He asked as he brushed his fingers across your thigh.

"We could play some games and watch some movies, I guess."

Suddenly, an idea popped into his head, and he liked it a lot.

"Or," He paused as he took your hand. "I have a different idea. Come on, follow me."

You thought when he stood up and began to lead you out of the living room that you'd be heading up the stairs, only for him to open the front door and step outside with you.

"Are we going to watch the rain or something?"

"Or something." He said as he pulled his phone out of his pocket.

Setting it down on the porch close to the steps but out of the rain, he took your hand and led you off the porch.

"Minho," You gasped as the rain began to soak your clothes. "What are we doing out here?"

"Let's dance in the rain?"


"You heard me. Come on, it'll be fun."

You started to wonder what kind of dancing he meant by that, but you didn't have to wonder for long.

Because the rain slowed down a little, allowing you to hear the slow song that was playing over the speakers of his phone.

He put his hands on your hips and pulled you close to him.

You began to slow dance in the rain and despite the fact that his shirt was soaked through because of obvious reasons, you still found yourself laying your head on his chest as you began to sway to the song together.

His heartbeat filled your ears, as did the sound of the rain, and it was all so romantic and so perfect.

"I've never done this before." You said as you looked up at him, finding him gazing at you adoringly. "I'm glad that I'm doing it with you now. It's so romantic."

"It is pretty romantic, isn't it?" He asked as he moved one of his hands to your back.

You nodded and kissed his neck softly as you melted into his embrace.

He leaned down and put his chin on your head as you swayed together.

Suddenly though, he pulled away from you and you stared at him in surprise.

But as he sent you a big smile, he spun you around a couple of times, making you giggle.

You put your head back on his chest as he held you close.

It was the best moment of your life.

And there was no one in the world that you would rather experience this with than him.

"I love you." You said.

"I love you too." He spoke before he spun you around again, grinning as you giggled once more.

The next song came on, one that was just as slow and romantic as the last.

"You have a lot of romantic songs on your phone."

"Because they remind me of you." He smiled before pulling you in for a sweet kiss.

You closed your eyes as you set your head back on his chest, feeling happier than you ever have before.

"So? Is this better than games and a movie?" He asked as if he didn't already know your answer.

"Yes. So much better." You said. "Maybe the rain isn't so bad after all."

"It isn't." He said.

"Maybe we can do this more often? I'd love to slow dance with you every rainy day."

"I'd like that a lot." He said before kissing your lips once more.

He spun you around once more before laughing as you insisted on spinning him around before you melted back into his arms as you continued to sway to the music.

You were so warm and so content despite the rain falling against your skin.

You enjoyed every second spent with Minho and you found yourself falling more in love with him, hoping for more moments just like this.

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