when fans ignore him and Jeongin at a fansign but you don't (requested)

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Your heart dropped and your smile faded over what you were seeing.

Today, you're at a fansign for Stray Kids, who just so happen to be your favorite kpop group in the world.

On second thought, that sounds like a huge understatement.

They're not just your favorite group.

They're your whole world.

They have helped you through some of the darkest times of your life and bring you so much happiness and joy with everything they do.

Getting the chance to be here today feels like the biggest dream come true and you feel so grateful.

However, you're so sad to be seeing what's happening on the stage in front of you.

The boys broke off in pairs to take pictures with fans.

Hyunjin, Minho, and Jeongin were the first ones that everyone would meet when they got on stage.

But almost everyone is ignoring Minho and Jeongin to pay attention to Hyunjin.

As someone who loves all of the boys equally and can't stand seeing any of them getting treated differently, it is a crushing sight.

Even more so because Minho and Jeongin are trying so hard to keep positive and force smiles but it keeps showing on their faces that this does bother them.

And understandably so.

They all work so hard, all eight members.

They are all equal.

It's okay to have a bias but to mistreat them like this was so unfair to them.

They didn't deserve that whatsoever.

And the fans in front of you weren't doing any better than the ones before.

They just went right by Minho and Jeongin who were so enthusiastic and so kind as they tried to talk to each fan that came over to them, only to be ignored.

So when it was your turn to go up to them, you were determined to make them feel better.

"Hello!" You excitedly said as you went up to Jeongin, who was the closest to you.

"Hi," He smiled brightly.

"It's so nice to meet you! I'm Y/N."

"Nice to meet you, Y/N!" He happily spoke as Minho grinned.

Finally, someone wasn't treating them differently.

You were being so kind to them and it warmed their hearts.

Minho's eyes were sparkling as yours locked with them.

"Y/N," He smiled. "That's a pretty name."

"Thank you!" You giggled happily. "I brought you both some stuff."

You reached into the bag on your arm and handed them each something.

It wasn't store-bought or something cheesy that they've gotten a hundred times before.

It was clearly something you made on your own.

Something you took your time to make for them because you genuinely care and want them to feel appreciated.

"That's so nice of you. Thank you!" Minho said as he smiled bigger than he had the entire day so far.

"I love it so much. I'm going to keep this forever!" Jeongin said. "Thank you!"

Jeongin pulled you in for a quick hug and you giggled happily.

"You're welcome! I'm sorry some fans were ignoring the two of you but I hope this cheers you up and helps you to see that a lot of people appreciate you and your hard work too."

"That means so much." Minho said with a genuine look in his eyes.

"Want to take a picture?" Jeongin wondered.

"Yes! But first," You said as you made sure to give Hyunjin his gift and the same kindness and appreciation, which also made him so happy.

"I'm putting this in my room. I will cherish it forever." Hyunjin promised, also giving you a hug.

Minho watched with a bright look in his eyes.

A lot of the STAYs they meet are very kind but you seem so genuine and so appreciative.

You wanted them all to feel loved and special.

You didn't want to exclude a single member.

They all meant far too much to you to even think of doing something like that.

He got a glimpse into the gift bag that was on your arm and he saw five more items inside, which meant that you had stuff for the other five members as well.

Of course you did.

You were so kind, why wouldn't you?

He couldn't explain it but he felt something different that he's never felt before when meeting a fan.

You seemed so sweet and so genuine and he wanted to get to know you more.

He knows it's something that's not very talked about and probably something the JYP staff wouldn't be thrilled about but he didn't care.

You seemed really sweet.

And he just had to get to know you.

"Let's take a photo!" Hyunjin said.

You were torn who to stand between but they assured you not to worry because they were so flattered and so blown away by your kindness that they took more than one photo with you.

So for the first, you stood between Hyunjin and Minho.

And Minho put his arm around you, letting his hand rest against your side ever so gently.

Then you stood between him and Jeongin and, again, his hand rested on you but this time in your back; his hand gentle and warm.

"Thank you so much!" You grinned.

"Wait, Y/N," Minho said as you were about to go over to the next pairing.

"Yes, Minho? Is everything okay?" You asked.

"Yeah. Everything's good. I just wanted to say thank you. You're very kind. You went out of your way to be so nice to us and you treated us so fairly. It means a lot."

"Oh, it's no problem! You all deserve to be treated equally. You all work hard. You're one team. No one deserves to be treated differently." You said, making his lips tug into another smile.

"When you're done meeting the other boys, could you stick around?"

"Sure, yeah. Why though?"

"I want to get to know you better. I think you're so kind and sweet. You have a big and beautiful heart and... I think you're pretty. Can you?"

You were trying to hide how his words were making your cheeks warm up and making you feel so flattered.

"Of course." You grinned.

"Okay. See you again in a bit."

"See you soon." You smiled and walked off to the next pairing as Minho watched you, knowing this was the start of something very special.

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