you have a New York accent (requested)

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Author's Note: I did a lot of research on the New York accent and found that a lot of people have their own way of pronouncing things!

This isn't perfect and it's a little short because I've never done anything like this before. I tried to write the words with how they're usually pronounced and made sure to emphasize on the ones that playfully poke fun at Y/N's accent.

For example better = beddah, scared = scaed (the R is almost always dropped), and alright already = ahrite ahready, according to research I've done.

I do hope this turned out okay. If I made any mistakes, please forgive me. As I said, this is my first time doing something like this before so it won't be perfect. Nevertheless, I hope you enjoy it.

Also, I know it's April, but this is the first plot that came to my mind so let's just ignore that it's April and we're nowhere near Halloween 🙈 I love you all 💖


"Where are we going?" You asked as you held onto Minho's hand and followed behind the boys.

"Halloween is just around the corner. We're going to a haunted house." Changbin said.

You froze on your feet and Minho stopped walking with you as the other boys kept walking.

"We'll catch up with you in a minute." He told them before turning to you. "What's the matter? I thought you'd enjoy a haunted house. You don't mind scary stuff normally."

"I know but I don't like these. They scare me!"

He tried to take you seriously but he ended up bursting into laughter after a few seconds.

"What's so funny?"

He shook his head with a grin before looking at you.

"Nothing. I just can't get over your accent. It's so adorable."

"My accent?"

"Yeah. I know we've been together for a while but it's still so cute. The way you drop your R's and say words with two syllables and talk so fast. It's adorable!"

You were unimpressed as you gazed at him.

"Minho, I'm serious. I get scared easy!"

"Scaed," He laughed and poked your side. "Oh, come on. It's cute how tawk."

Your lips turned into a pout and he leaned in to kiss it away before brushing his hand across your back.

"You don't have anything to be scared of. I'll hold your hand the whole time. You don't have to be scared." He spoke as he mocked your accent once more.

You playfully pushed his chest and he kissed your head softly.

"My hand is yours to hold." He said as he grabbed your hand.

"It beddah always be mine to hold."

"Always." He promised.

"Come on, lovebirds! We're waiting on you!" Felix shouted.

"Ahrite ahready, we're coming!" You yelled in response before rushing to them with Minho's hand in yours.

"Y/N, are you sure you want to come with us? You won't get too scaed?" Chan teased as he dropped the R, joining in with Minho to playfully copy and tease you for your accent.

"Keep imitating my accent and the scariest thing tonight won't be the haunted house, it'll be what I do to all of you when we get out of it." You playfully warned.

The boys laughed and continued to mock your accent as you all went inside, loud laughter echoing through it from them with each step taken.

And Minho kept holding your hand securely the entire way, promising to comfort and protect you, no matter what scary stuff was in there.

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